Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

The following exerpt is found on mercola.com newletter site.

Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers

Prior to October 1, 1988, if you or your child were injured by a childhood vaccine you were allowed to file a lawsuit against a vaccine manufacturer to receive compensation. 

Because of such lawsuits, vaccines turned out to be a costly venture for pharmaceutical companies, who threatened to pull out of the vaccine business altogether. 

This led to the creation of The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), the so-called “vaccine court.” This program has boosted vaccine sales growth immensely since its induction, largely because manufacturers now have zero liability for the products they produce. 

If your child becomes seriously injured or dies after receiving a childhood vaccine, the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you’re actually awarded compensation through NVICP, it is the taxpayers who pay, NOT the vaccine makers.

But that was for childhood vaccines. 

What we’re looking at now is the complete removal of liability for so-called pandemic vaccines, all adjuvants, and antiviral medications such as Tamiflu and Relenza.

In fact, ANY product used to fight "an epidemic" is protected under this law, and the government decides what drugs fit the bill. 

It is a blatant demonstration of just how powerful the corporate drug interests have become. Indeed, with the largest political lobby in Congress, their influence is so great they have been able to manipulate numerous laws that now insulate them from any responsibility in harming or killing people in their relentless drive to earn profits, without regard to human health or well-being.

Mr. Oboma could save $3.5 BILLION/year on drug costs alone...

It's called "pay for delay" and if you haven't heard of it, that's because they do everything they can to keep these deals as quiet as possible. Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission sued one drug company to block a deal it made with three generic manufacturers to keep cheaper alternatives off the market.

And now, the FTC is trying to get these deals banned outright, saying they cost consumers $3.5 billion per year. It's only 15 years too late.

This is money that's coming right out of our pockets, one way or another.

It costs insurers money when they have to spring for brand-name drugs instead of generics. And anyone who has insurance pays for it in the form of higher copays and higher premiums.

It costs the government money, because the feds pay a full third of all prescription drug costs. Killing these shady back-room deals would save the government $1.2 billion dollars. That's also money that comes from us, the taxpayers.

And of course it costs the millions of uninsured consumers when they have to reach into their own pockets to shell out extra money to pay for a brand-name drug because the generic manufacturer sold out to Big Pharma.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

NaturalPedia.com Delivers New Encyclopedia of Natural Health Knowledge to the World

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

For the last two years, I've been working very hard on an important project to bring you free, open access to a wealth of information about natural remedies, nutritional cures and green living. The obstacles to its completion were enormous, but as you'll soon see, the effort was well worth it!

Allow me to introduce the new NaturalPedia (www.NaturalPedia.com), a free online encyclopedia of natural health knowledge from the industry's top authors and writers. This website is an amazing research tool that allows you to find quotes from natural health books on more than 50,000 topics.

For example, if you want to check out what's being written about a disease like diabetes, just go to http://naturalpedia.com/diabetes.html

If you'd like to learn how to prevent diabetes, you could go straight to http://naturalpedia.com/diabetes_pr...

And if you want to learn how diabetes can be helped with regular exercise, you can visit this page that combines "diabetes" with "exercise": http://www.naturalpedia.com/D/Diabe...

NaturalPedia includes hundreds of thousands of quotations from 570 books, covering over 53,000 keyword concepts. Even more interestingly, it has calculated more than 23 million keyword correlations, then used advanced linguistic analysis logic to pair keywords in meaningful ways (such as a disease and an herb), allowing you to drill down and find the nutrients, herbs and substances that can help prevent or reverse almost any disease or health condition known to modern medicine.

For example, from our page on cancer (http://www.naturalpedia.com/cancer.html), you can choose the related concept of selenium and click to read quotes on both topics: cancer and selenium (http://www.naturalpedia.com/C/Cance...).

You can also see a detailed conceptual analysis of each of the 570 books currently included in the NaturalPedia system. For example, this page on The China Study by T. Colin Campbell reveals an amazing amount of detail on the book: http://www.naturalpedia.com/book_Th...

It not only shows you the word count of the book, it also reveals a list of the most prominent concepts in the book, sorted by frequency. On the right margin, additional conceptually-related books are recommended for further exploration.

With well over one million unique web pages of compiled content, NaturalPedia represents the most comprehensive book-based online natural health encyclopedia in the world.

Read more Here

Daniel Silver

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Follow These Six Foundation Principles for Optimum Health and Wellbeing

From Naturalnews.com

Friday, August 07, 2009 by: Gregory Hollings, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Eubie Blake, the famous jazz composer, once said "If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." This quote rings true when we consider that whilst we may be living for longer we may not necessarily be taking better care of ourselves. With our ever-increasingly fast-paced lifestyles the time we once took to cook and eat healthily, exercise regularly and relax has inevitably been rescheduled with the aid of our Blackberries. As a result the soaring rates of degenerative diseases such as cancer and diabetes have regularly found themselves on the front pages of national newspapers across the globe.

If we are to achieve optimum health and wellbeing as individuals and as a community we can no longer outsource the day-to-day management of our own health to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. We need to make a personal commitment to our bodies and minds by following these six foundation principles:

Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts

The first thing you do when you wake up is think. It might not be anything profound other than realizing you desperately need to go to the bathroom. However, some would agree that your very first thoughts upon waking will determine your mood for the rest of the day - be it upbeat or downcast. This in turn will have quite a serious impact on the quality of the decisions you make. For example, if you`re in a foul mood when you come home from work you may decide to treat yourself by hitting the sofa with a tub of ice cream rather than burning that negative energy off with a long walk.

Breathe Deeply And Slowly To Relax

As babies we know subconsciously how to breathe properly. But as we grow into adults our breathing patterns often become shortened and more shallow. This is mainly due to the hectic nature of our lifestyles, which often puts us into a "fight or flight" stress pattern for extended periods of time. When you feel under pressure those stressful thoughts will manifest themselves physically as a faster heartbeat and a shallow breathing pattern which originates in the chest. With a correct breathing pattern you will see your stomach muscles extending first followed by the extension of your ribcage, which automatically makes you breathe more deeply and slowly. This has a calming effect.

Get To Bed On Time

In their book Lights Out, Wiley and Formby`s compelling research tells us that a good night`s sleep will help you lose weight, curb your cravings for refined carbohydrates, eradicate depression and reverse Type II diabetes. Whether you achieve a restful sleep will be determined by your state of mind, the food that you`ve eaten and if there are any sources of electromagnetic stress, such as a TV, laptop or mobile phone, in your bedroom. Research that has made the connection between regular sleep patterns and your health is hard to ignore.

Let Food Be Your Drug Of Choice

The incessant consumer demand for a huge choice of cheap and convenient food has put incredible pressure on commercial farmers to employ harmful farming practices in order to meet the strict standards placed upon them by powerful supermarkets. These farming practices are irreparably damaging the soil in which our food is grown, which simply means that our fruit and vegetables simply aren`t as nutritious as they once were.

Food is an incredibly powerful drug, which is why it`s important that each individual works out which combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for every meal is best for his/her optimal health and wellbeing - see metabolic typing. It`s also important that we become more discerning with the food businesses that we choose to give our hard earned money to. Buying locally grown, organic whole food, which is in season, will support your own community and is an essential component to becoming fit and healthy.

Water Your Internal Garden

Dr Batmanghelidj pointed out in his book "Your Body`s Many Cries For Water" that dehydration is a common cause for many ailments and diseases. In order to maintain good levels of energy, concentration and digestive function it`s important to drink good clean, filtered water on a regular basis. Paul Chek of the CHEK Institute recommends the following formula in order to calculate the amount of water you need: 0.033 x Your weight in kilograms = litres of water to drink per day. In order for you to look and feel great on the outside you need to maintain a good level of hydration on the inside.

Exercise To Boost Your Energy Levels

Just as you need to spend money in order to make money the same applies to exercise and your energy levels. Regular exercise will improve your body shape, protect your heart from disease, strengthen your joints and bones and relieve stress. An essential factor to successfully incorporating any exercise program permanently into your lifestyle is enjoyment. Without the enjoyment your exercise program will be just another chore on your to-do list.

Whether it`s right or wrong, given a choice of a ton of money or perfect health most people will generally choose money as their stepping stone to happiness. However, in this current economic climate the financial turmoil has led many people to re-evaluate their priorities as they begin to realize that without their health and wellbeing the quest to find the holy grail that is happiness is a futile one. Unlike many over-hyped health products sold on the market today, the six foundation principles are representative of the ancient wisdoms that have been passed down from generation to generation of healthy communities around the world. Simply put they are the bedrock of a fulfilling and happy life.

Article sources

How To Eat, Move And Be Healthy by Paul Chek

Lights Out: Sugar, Sleep and Survival by T.S. Wiley and Brent Formby Phd

The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey

Your Body`s Many Cries For Water by Dr F. Batmanghelidj