Wednesday, September 9, 2009

FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid Millions Depend On

Here we go again, our suspicious FDA bureaucrats are playing scientist and THE all great guardian of public health.
This article appeared in the American Association of Health Freedom newsletter.  The report says that the FDA made an arbitrary decision to class these preparations as "unapproved drugs" with no real explaination.  As stated in this article these preparations are more complete Than the current non generic medications available.  The safety and the benefits have been seen since 1890 when they were first introduced.  Millions of people have come to depend on this source to combat the effects of hypothyroidism.

This quote shows the attempt to restrict these preparations.

  "We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug. Since the new drug approval process is prohibitively expensive for a non-patentable substance, the FDA is in effect banning the natural product. The purpose? Presumably to protect the profits of other, inferior drugs that have been FDA approved."

Further into the article Dr. Jonathan Wright states:
   “Natural thyroid has never killed or severely harmed anyone since its first use in the 1890s, prior to the FDA itself. It is a mainstay not only in the treatment of hypothyroidism but also in ‘healthy aging’ therapy. That the FDA should even be thinking of requiring a new drug approval for a safe, 100 plus year old natural treatment is outrageous.”

The FDA is systematically forcing all of us to follow the profit making desires of the major drug companies. Thereby preventing the better therapies fr.rm even reaching our citizens for a complete and safe thyroid  support.

Want to learn more and stay ahead of our prejudice  government protectors go here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

N1H1 Flu Vaccine

Did you know that the base for this vaccine comes from green monkeys in Africa?  They appear to be the base for all flue vaccines.  This time however, they are using actual cancerous cells to be injected into we humans. This is noted in a report found at on September 8, 2009

It is also noted that the majority of Doctors and other healthcare professionals in Germany are refusing to get the vacination. They feel it has not been tested properly and that more people will suffer the consequenses of the cure than the disease.

The reports of infection of swine flu are being dramaticly misreported. the reason being taht the health officials are considering any flu to be the swine flu without any testing being provided.  This leads to a lot of misinforamtion and panic for those of us who have no idea what is really going on. So far it appears taht in China and even herre in the US the majority of cases are nothing more taht the traditional flu that can be treated with common sense measures.

We all need to look a lot deeper into this major infringement on our health and personal choices. Taking the word of the government agencies and the drug companies is putting our trust in the wrong place. So far the fear mongering and constant exposure to the current propaganda is not allowing the free expression of the truth on this disease.  The only thing that will come from this attack will be richer drug companies and a sicker population.

Daniel Silver