Friday, September 17, 2010

Creating Your Healthy Mind and Healthy Body Today

>>Welcome to our Blog<<

Total Health

Your health and weight is decided by your eating habits. Your social habits bear upon your relationship with others. Your sleeping habit dictates how well you rest. Your working habits bear upon your success. The way you accomplish things, and the things you daily are all related to your habits - like the beginning thing you do the moment you wake up ; which hand holds the tooth brush, and how you hold and use tooth paste are all habits you've developed.

If you ask individuals what's the significance of habit, many will give bad habits the difficult press, and say they're negative processes that individuals do again and again, like smoking, gambling, over eating, and procrastination.
We recognize foul habits produce damaging benefits, poor relationship and bear upon your life negatively. What if we can add favorable habits to our life? What is a favorable habit, you ask? A favorable habit is merely a habit that produces favorable benefits, attitudes and actions you would like to gain and make a part of your life.

Health is recession-proof. Regardless how rich or poor you are, your health has been, is and will forever be the most crucial part of your life. You don't have to be affluent to be healthy. You merely need to take an instant, consider what you're eating-and make diplomatic choices from there.

Detoxification and cleaning of the body is a crucial process to keep our bodies fit and full of energy. In today's cosmos, our bodies are deluged chemically and pollutants that harm our bodies. It's crucial to detoxify our bodies and remove the pollutants in the rawest way available. Bring your body back into optimal health naturally.

The thesis of herbs and spices has been discovered to have a lot of favorable effects on the health of the human body. To acquire the advantages of these herbs, most of these studies show that the test subjects only had around a teaspoon of the herb a day. This may be easily duplicated at home under the supervision of a physician.

If you’ve been stripping yourself of “you” time and taking care of your health, you should alter that, beginning right now. You may think you can’t squeeze in any more extra time for anything, not to mention time to do something just for you. But you’re incorrect. You'll be able to find time if you would like to. Now, what should you do? Take care of your health.

You may need to get Open Office which is free word processor to view your free report

Monday, March 1, 2010

Burn More Bodfyat With Spices

Burn More Bodfyat With Spices

[ Editor's Note:  Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

It's the spice of life.

Food that is. Or opinions. I guess there is a lot of things that are officially "the spice of life."

I think spices are the spice of life.

I have a new-found love of spices since hanging around a killer healthy-food chef for the past week.

Wow oh wow... I had no idea.

And hey -- I'm helping her put her recipes into to a book that will be out soon.

I'll send you all a video of this woman doing her thing too in a week or so... prepare to be blown away.

Back to spices:

Not only can spices save an otherwise boring healthy meal.... turns to find out spices can help you burn more bodyfat.

The January 2006 issue of The Journal of Physiology and Behavior cited numerous studies on several spices that increased thermogenesis in the body.

Thermogenesis is simply heat -- and since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what?

More thermogenesis = more calories burned = Less bodyfat.

Pretty cool stuff this thermogenesis.

In fact thermogenesis is the foundation of my upcoming handbook "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint." Out in late February.

I'm giving this book away for free for 21 days to anyone who owns a copy of "The Every Other Day Diet."

The book comes out in late February... and it is... well, radical.

Up to 21 pounds in 21 days.

But you can only do it for 21 days. Fair deal, right?

If you want the book for free, make sure you have "Every Other Day Diet" so I can send it to you the last week of February.

Get EODD here --  <--- more thermogenesis, less bodyfat

For now, here's the spices that work the best to help you burn bodyfat:

1. Capsaicin, the compound gives red chili pepper its heat, increased energy via heat expenditure by up to 23% after ingesting it at breakfast.

2. Black Pepper increases body heat (thermogenesis) by bonding to TRPV1 receptors in the brain.

3. Turmeric has both anti-cancer and pro-thermogenic support. Best of two worlds if you ask me.

Combine these three spices:  Red chili pepper, black pepper and turmeric, and use them liberally (as you can handle them) on your lunch and dinner meals.

Just be careful not to overdo the spices, otherwise you'll end up with more heartburn than fatburn.

I'll be including FAR more powerful ways to burn bodyfat radically in "The Radical Fatloss Blueprint" -- and you can get your copy free the last week of February if you own Every Other Day Diet.

Get it here --  <--- more thermogenesis, less bodyfat

Sunday, February 21, 2010

NaturaPause -- The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women

Product Review: 
NaturaPause -- The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women
by Dan Silver

When most people hear the words "menopause" or "andropause", they immediately think, "middle-age" and "misery". After all, most people experience the onset of the end of their reproductive cycle during middle-age -- and this is usually accompanied by emotionally and physically draining symptoms such as hot flashes, low libido, and mood swings.

However, the facts are changing, and they're changing with the times.

People are now experiencing these symptoms, along with constant fatigue and depression, much earlier in life. Some studies suggest that perimenopause can begin as early as twenty-five in some women. Men in their twenties and thirties regularly experience the symptoms of low libido and erectile dysfunction. Both men and women battle fatigue and depression -- often with drugs and dangerous habits.

What is causing this rapid onset of the symptoms of menopause or andropause? Is this 'really' what people are experiencing, or it is something altogether different that is "masking" itself as menopause or andropause? What can someone in their early mid-life do about these stressful symptoms? And, what about those who are actually experiencing the onset of the end of reproduction? Are drugs the only alternative? Are they actually safe?

The questions and much more are addressed spectacularly in NaturaPause:  The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women.  Created by Naturopathic physician Dr. Holly Lucille and "Fit Over 40" author Jon Benson, NaturaPause uncovers what Dr. Lucille calls "the root causes" behind the symptoms associate with perimenopause, menopause, andropause, rapid weight gain, functional erectile dysfunction and constant fatigue. Rather than addressing the "symptoms", Dr. Lucille and Benson address the "cause", as they enlighten both men and women in methods that can restore hormonal function.

NaturaPause is not a supplement or a drug, but a "how-to" instruction kit comprised of a six audio CDs, a 137-page book and a 28-page workbook.

"Most physicians try to replace hormones. That's a poor strategy," says Dr. Lucille in Audio 1. "Exactly what 'hole' did they fall out of?"  From almost a decade of clinical practice, Dr. Lucille has found solid, natural methods for encouraging bodies to do what they were designed to do:  heal themselves, from the inside-out. This healing process can not only take care of the problem, but also the nasty symptoms -- and, unlike drugs (HRT is the common term for hormone therapy via drugs), leave the individual much healthier and more fit than when they began.

"Drugs have their place in hormone help, but they should not be the first choice. The body must be given the chance to heal the root cause of most of the symptoms...and that's something rarely discussed in traditional medicine," says Dr. Lucille. "For those on HRT, it is even more crucial to address the core issues, otherwise long-term health can definitely be affected."

NaturaPause audios include:  "Hormones 101:  What You Really Need To Know", "Menopause:  Reasons And Remedies For Regaining Your Life," "Andropause:   What Men Need To Know To Restore Vigor", "Exercise and Nutrition:  Secret Weapons In The Battle For Youth", "Restoring Sex Drive:  The Psychology and Physiology of Renewing Your Love Life", and "Putting It All Together:  Dr. Lucille's 1-2-3 NaturaPause Plan."  Each audio is impressively thorough and conducted in a conversational style between Mr. Benson and Dr. Lucille. Both give their take on the subject; Benson from personal experience of early andropause at 27, and Dr. Lucille from a clinical perspective.

So, what is addressed in the NaturaPause Solution Kit? A small sampling includes...

-- Exactly why traditional medicine flat-out fails to wipe out the hellish symptoms of menopause, male menopause, perimenopause, weight gain, and constant fatigue;

-- What the natural health industry is missing, and why people are not seeing the rapid results they are looking for by trying what they hear on T.V. or read in a magazine;

-- The real, absolute, without-a-doubt cause of nearly all these symptoms?and how to get rid of them, make people feel better, and radically boost mental, emotional, and physical health at the same time;

-- Why 95% of doctors never treat this hormonally-based cause;

-- A top-to-bottom, ?treat the cause? Solution that is based in fact and medicine that's been successful for thousands of years;

-- And more than can be covered in this short review.

Dr. Lucille's book rounds out the package nicely, covering all you need to know about restoring and maintaining hormonal balance in what she calls, "An ever-increasing toxic environment." Dr. Lucille demonstrates how everyday household items are contributing to the increase of estrogen in both males and females. The result:  children are reaching puberty 2.3 years sooner than fifty years ago, and both sexes are experiencing the onset of menopausal symptoms earlier and, often, in increased severity.

NaturaPause is the best product I have ever seen for addressing relief and restoration when it comes to this natural phase of life. Combine that with the solid, down-to-earth nutrition and fitness  information, how-tos on sexual healing, and a complete "what works" natural supplement guide, and you have a product that everyone over 30 desperately needs in order to live at their peak for decades to come.

For more information, visit the NaturaPause website

Another great resource can be found here: Physical fitness for seniors

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 fast-food fatloss-tips

Fitness madman Jon Benson is at it again... this time telling us you can get "skinnny eating fast-food..." And he intends to prove it. Naturally you have to modify the way you eat fast-food (duh!) but his tips are really clever. Here's 3 for you today...

Believe it or not you can get lean by eating fast food.

I know, it sounds crazy... but in a few weeks I'm going to prove it to the world with the release of my newest mini e-book "Fast Food Fitness: How I Dropped 40lbs Eating Fast Food Every Day."

Do you think I'm joking?  I'm not.

Of course there's a WAY to eat fast food and drop the pounds. You can't just eat like everyone else does. That's common sense.

And believe me, there are more healthy ways to drop the pounds than eating fast food... for sure.

But the way I figure it: Would you rather be healthIER and lean or UNhealthy and overfat?

Silly question... so consider "Fast Food Fitness" a path to the lesser of two evils... and one that actually got me to 10% bodyfat (that's pretty lean!) a few years ago.

Here's how it started:

I simply hate to cook!  I have since solved that problem... I hired a part-time chef (it's cheaper than it sounds)... but until two years ago I was eating out every single meal... I mean EVERY MEAL.

Most of the time... not all of the time, but most of the time... these meals were fast food joints like burger joints and even fried chicken places.

But I had to keep my physique, so ... what to do?

Well... you'll have to wait. At least a few weeks.

If you want the book for half-price, you have to own a copy of "Every Other Day Dietplan"... everyone who owns a copy before "Fast Food Fitness" hits the Internet will get half-off.

So go here if you don't have EODD yet ...


Here's 3 of my top 25 fast-food diet-tips... just these 3 will take you 1/3 of the way there...

First, use my Half-n-Half Principle. Order whatever you are going to order and then have the person behind the counter cut the order exactly in HALF.

Half to go... half to eat there.

Eat half now.... then the other half 3-4 hours later. Believe it or not you will store less bodyfat and even increase your metabolism eating like this.

Simple trick... give it a shot.

Second, ditch all the starch. That means buns, bread and anything made of flour. BUT here's the "still tastes good" trick I use. I keep ONE of the pieces of bread from, say, my hamburger. Then I "pick" at it while I enjoy the meat and either a small diet soda or tea. Eat no more than 5 "picks" at the bread... about half a slice. You still get the exact taste of a burger with none of the stuff that makes most people over-fat.

Third, for you chicken lovers, split your order between fried and baked chicken. KFC has excellent baked chicken... try it. Then strip most of the skin off the fried chicken. Not all... most.

You still get the taste, but with far fewer bad food-stuffs and calories.... make sense?

Enjoy the tips... but remember, the healthiest (and tastiest) way to eat is still my Every Other Day DIetplan, which works in your favorite foods each week....


Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Skinny on Fats


[ Editor's Note: Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you. ]

Let's get this one out in the open:

1. Fats do not make you gain bodyfat.

2. Fats do not put you on Heart Attack Row.

3. Fats are not the enemy.

We've been sold a bag of lies when it comes to fats.

Fats are essential for your body's hormone production, skin health, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and even burning bodyfat. Yep... you need fats to burn fat.!

Studies have been conducted to attempt to elevate cholesterol levels using high-fat diets. Most all of them have failed miserably -- in fact several "lowered" total cholesterol while raising the so-called "good" cholesterol (HDL).

That being said, you don't need the following...

1. A lot of fats in your diet. Fats still contain over twice the calories per gram as carbs and protein.

2. Any kind of "fake fats" -- margarine or processed oils of any kind are highly dangerous foods.

Here's my simple dietary fats solution:

1. Eat fats as they occur in nature, but eat at least 80% as they "actually" occur in nature -- meaning from grass-fed and free-range sources. The extra cost is worth it. It tastes better and your medical costs will well offset the few dollars more per pound you pay.

2. Cook with a combination of olive oil and coconut oil, but use both sparingly. If you are eating plenty of animal protein you do not need excessive fats... not because of 'danger' but because of needless calories. Not a good idea if you're wanting to keep your abs. But a bit of raw butter or olive oil can make bland veggies taste wonderful, so feel freee.

Also, omega 3-rich fats like olive oil and fish (and especially fish oil) help lower inflammation. That's the real culprit behind heart disease in most cases.

3. Avoid a lot of fats at night. The night-time meals should be high in lean protein (tuna, tofu, turkey breast) with very limited fats if you are wanting to really get lean. If you are just trying to shed bodyweight slowly, it's okay to have some fats at night.

Just do me a favor: If you are on the "Fats make you gain bodyfat and have heart attacks" bandwagon, jump off. We have consumed fat for countless thousands of years. Just consume it the way we always HAVE (naturally, not stuffed with hormones and cooked up in a lab) and you'll be fine.

If you want a diet-solution that actually uses dietary fats to help you take off the bodyfat, then use this one: <--- Eat Fats, Burn Bodyfat!

It's a real-world plan that allows you to eat your favorite foods and still shed the bodyweight you want.

And yes -- that includes fats.