Tuesday, February 26, 2008

More bad news for woman

A recent study on Liptor and Creator found that woman on these medications have developed memory loss and concentration abilities.  
See the ad on this blog to learn more of the consequences and better natural treatments for the cholesterol problems. The big phama companies continue to take control of the information and studies that disproof their claims of effectiveness and safety.   Look for the alternative ways of health care before depending on the "science" of medicine.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hepatitis B vaccine

The French government is prosecuting 3 drug companies for manslaughter.  This vaccine given in late 1990's is responsible for 5 deaths and many crippling diseases worst than Hepatitis.
Go to mercola.com to read several articles about this and the side effects related to the vaccine.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

More sad news about statin drugs

Please read Dr. Mercola's article on the dangers of statin drugs.  In the effort to prevent heart damage, these drugs will cause muscle deteriation and kidney failure.  If these side effects are continueed with long term use or increased doses, then we are just increasing the risk of heart failure and declining health.  Our watch dogs at the FDA and our "scientific study" groups sure do not want us to know these facts.  I am sure they are aware of them and probably have some microscopic printed warnings somewhere.  As we continue to depend on the drug companies and other powers that be, we will never be a healthy population.

Monday, February 18, 2008

We need more involment

Well it sure is nice to see I am not alone.  Thanks for the commment. We need more of to us to care about what these very powerful people area and have done to this society. Hopefully
my little tirates will get out to more people who can and want to think for themselves.
We are loosing our independence in the name of profits.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where is common snese

With all the negative news about our economy and standard of living, why are people and our politicians worried about a baseball player on drugs and a football team that may hve cheated.
We need to get our focus on how we can sve this country and its families.  Wasting time,money and effort on such unimportant situations is just plain stupid.
Peolple are loosing their homes and banks are playing with our lives.  There has to be answer that all of us can understand and imploment.  Any good thoughts out there??

Friday, February 8, 2008

National Health Insurance

Here we go again. Mrs Clinton wants you and I to build the coffers of the insurance and drug companies.  She wants each of to be forced to by health insurance because if we don't we are just another burden to those that do.(paraphrased quote).   Mrs. Clinton tried to make our system "better" while she was the first lady in Bill's first term.  What was produced was the extremely inefficent HIPPA system.  Now the cost of health care has balloned due to the cost of record keeping and the inabilty to share important information between health care professionals.  Just imagine what the additional cost of health insurance will do to our already struggeling familes and corporations.  Please think through the hype and politcal  redoric when sellection our next president.

Monday, February 4, 2008

OH NO!! Look out

A recent artilcle in the St. Louis Postdispatch quoted some retired general that
he thought the National Guard should be put under the control of the Army and Air Force.
Presumably to make them better trained, equiped and prepared.  Sounds like our military
leaders are looking to move out on their own.  This idea takes away the real homeland securtiy force and the one little adavantage the individual citizens have to protect themselves from an over zellous military machine controling this country.
We all should take a real close look at this invasive idea from within our own military establishment.  Trouble is abrewing.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Change your life and the world

A new view of the world and global attitudes is found in this breif book.
It is free to read and should make you and the world around you a lot
better to live in.
Check it out  at Seven Words that can Change the World.