Thursday, August 28, 2008

Low Cholesterol Levels Associated with Cancer and Death

(NaturalNews) In a major shot fired across the bow of the statin marketing machine, the levels of LDL cholesterol that are the artificial targets of "health" promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) are now found to be associated with a significant increased risk of cancer and death.

The AHA recommends an LDL level of 100 for prevention and 70 for high risk patients. In the new study an LDL level of 107 was associated with a 33% increased risk of cancer and death, an LDL level of 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. As the LDL goes lower the risk keeps getting worse. These arbitrary AHA levels for LDL cholesterol were established by "experts" with direct financial ties to the statin industry, who knew full well that reaching their artificially low target levels for LDL would require double and triple doses of statin drugs, thus dramatically increasing sales (which has indeed happened).

The Vytorin fraud has pointed out quite clearly that lowering LDL cholesterol to very low levels does not reduce cardiovascular disease. Another Vytorin study also shows doing so increases cancer risk by 64%. The new study paints the clear picture that lowering LDL too low actually increases the rate of death from any cause. This new study also points out the statistical shenanigans that the statin industry uses to hide the actual risks of these drugs in the studies that have been published.

The data was so alarming that the researchers called for a statistical reanalysis of the data from all existing cholesterol studies, using better statistical models that actually reflect true risk. The results of this new research led the authors to conclude "A low LDL cholesterol level is not necessarily associated with optimal clinical outcomes but is a predictor of cancer and death."

We have known for many years that individuals who maintain an LDL cholesterol level of 130 as they enter their 40s and 50s have much less heart disease as they grow older. This is because they are healthy and have maintained fitness in their cholesterol function and metabolism. There is no credible data to show that lowering LDL numbers with statins actually produces a similar level of health, especially to artificially low numbers. There is a huge difference between having good cholesterol numbers because you are healthy and drugging your body's synthesis of cholesterol with statins. 

In the current study the ideal LDL cholesterol level was 126. The researchers were able to identify a bell shaped curve, in terms of a departure in either direction from this ideal number. LDL over 146 or less than 107 was associated with 33% increased risk of cancer. LDL over 164 of less than 87 was associated with a 50% increased risk. The risk keeps getting worse the higher or lower the number progresses away from the ideal of 126. LDL in the range of 108 – 145 had no statistically significant cancer risk, although being in the center of this range is clearly best.

There have been a number of studies in the past that link low cholesterol and cancer risk. However, these studies could not prove that the cancer was not already there prior to the start of the study – which has been the main argument used (besides statistical manipulation) by the statin industry to deny the association. In the new study this issue was taken into account by eliminating participants with less than 2.5 years follow up after the start of the study, thus demonstrating that the results were not due to pre-existing cancer. 

Needless to say, this study was not part of the marketing machine propaganda that is rampant in universities and "scientific" journals that have been used to promote the statin scam around the world, while actively blackmailing and blacklisting any authors, institutions, or journals that dare to step on Big Pharma's statin toes. This study was published on August 26, 2008 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. It was carried out in Hong Kong with Chinese patients who had type II diabetes – the exact patient who is forced onto aggressive cholesterol lowering with statin drugs in America.

It is quite clear that scientific knowledge and advanced statistical analysis are no longer under the control of Big Pharma and its legions of scientists, universities, and medical journals that are on the take, misrepresenting data, and actively suppressing negative findings. The truth is coming out because Big Pharma is targeting the citizens of the world as a new market for statin sales. And they are also targeting our children, wanting infants seven months of age to have LDL levels of 50 and keep them at that level their whole life (with drugs, since such levels are totally abnormal).

The insanity must stop. Americans have been conned. Big Pharma and the American Heart Association should be held responsible for past crimes and future intended crimes against the health of our citizens under the false pretense of improved cardiovascular health.

Link to full Canadian Medical Association Journal article:

Link to fully referenced version of this article:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Pastics are good for you????

This cartoon is a Natural News. Go to the link and see just who says this is good for you.

Home medication mistakes on a meteoric rise

This article was in Dr. Inglis newsletter, sign up at the above address.

From Alan Inglis MD House Calls newsletter

You know the old adage, "You learn from your mistakes." But sometimes you don't get the chance, because some mistakes are fatal.

In fact--way too many.

A recent study shows that deaths from medication mistakes at home rose dramatically in the past two decades. Much of that increase is attributable to prescription painkillers and other potent drugs that, 25 years ago, were given mainly in hospitals.

The findings, based on nearly 50 million U.S. death certificates, show that deaths from medication mistakes at home increased from 1,132 in 1983 to 12,426 in 2004. That's quite a leap. Even taking into account population growth, that's an increase of more than 700 percent. The increase in deaths was highest among baby boomers.

Abuse of prescription drugs plays a sad part in these soaring numbers. But a good many valid prescriptions taken in error, especially narcotics like methadone and oxycodone, account for an increasing number of deaths.

Multiple prescription drugs taken at the same time also play a sinister role. This particular problem has recently received much media attention, with "Dark Knight" actor Heath Ledger dying from an accidental overdose earlier this year, and actress Anna Nicole Smith's death last year attributed in part to a lethal combination of drugs--nine prescription drugs were found in her bloodstream.

Part of the problem is that patients are taking more medications from multiple doctors and pharmacies. Doctors need to spend the necessary time with their patients to get the full medication profile and explain the risks of mixing medications--which can literally be a lethal cocktail. And it wouldn't hurt if states required pharmacists to teach patients about dangerous drugs--and having the insurers pay pharmacists to do so.

While doctors and pharmacists have a responsibility to educate their patients, education doesn't stop as soon as you leave their office or head out the door of the pharmacy or hospital. I urge my patients to take charge of their medical care. Arm yourself with knowledge. Don't assume your doctor and pharmacist have all the information and time they need to ensure the safety of your medication therapy--important things can be missed. If you're not telling your doctor and pharmacist about all of the medications you take, you don't know what effects their interactions could have when mixed.

Most important, health care professionals should be focusing on whether more drugs are even necessary--especially if that patient is already taking a bunch of pills. Drugs are completely overused for symptom relief when there are better alternatives available, such as deep breathing exercises, biofeedback, meditation, massages, hypnosis and exercise programs that good science supports all of these.

There is more than an element of art involved in the science of medicine. Get a second opinion if you have the slightest misgivings about a prescription or treatment plan--it could save your life.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Could bio fuels contribute to Global Warming?

A study in England has questioned the use a sustainability of bio fuels. By taking farm land out of production of food grains, has caused an increase in food prices globally. It appears that in our effort to reduce need for oil and reduce greenhouse gases we have created many new problems. They are also other reports that say the shift in crop production is not the cause for the food price increases. That the land and crops are not being redirected. This is a global problem. We should encourage all countries leadership to get this one right. This will effect our grandchildren severely. The article at the listed web site has some interesting questions. Read it and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Presidential elections

With all the name calling and acuastions being thrown around by both candidates you would think that we are in real big trouble.  Why can't theses people just tell  us what they will do in plain and simple language.  Instead they want to focus on past judgements that were made with the information at hand at the time.  We all know that hind site is always 20/20.  Please try to get past the negatives and look to the future, is the way all candidates should be going.   It seems that the candidates and the media are afraid to tell the whole story in an upfront mannor.  Maybe Paris Hilton did boil it down the best.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bernie Mac

The news of his death is still a shock.  This article in Natual News brings up some real short comings in our medical care system.  If only half is true, we are being mistreated severely by the medial profession.  Please take some time to read and digest this article.  It just may save your life and the ones you love around you. This will take you to the article,

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hospital worker gets nearly $5 million dollars

The courage to go against the mainstream hospital and medical community finally pays off.  Maybe if more had the courage to stand up, our medicare system would not have to suffer such a strain.

This case is only the tip of the iceberg.  It seems to be a regular practice. The attitude is that this money is not from the people of this country but from some government program and money is to be made with simple errors in billings.

It would be to all of our advantage to review each item on a hospital bill, even though it may take a day a or two to do.   It is your money they are taking.

Cranberry Juice for infection

The above link will take you to a very good article  showing how cranberry juice works.

This study confirms what all of us in the natural health fields have known for decades.  Please go here and let others know how to prevent and get rid of unhealthy bacteria.