Monday, July 27, 2009

The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part II

Monday, July 27, 2009 by: Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer

(NaturalNews) This is part two of an investigative series on The Mothers Act by Evelyn Pringle. Read part one here:

The Mothers Act legislation specifically defines the term "postpartum conditions" as "postpartum depression" or "postpartum psychosis." Use of the Act as an 8-year disease mongering campaign to further promote the new cottage industry of "reproductive psychiatry," or "reproductive mental health," comes from websites often run by people who will financially benefit from passage of the Act.

In 1992, the late journalist Lynn Payer wrote a book titled, "Disease Mongering," and defined disease mongering as, "trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill."

Tactics identified in the book currently used in the Mothers Act campaign include: (1) Framing the issues in a particular way, (2) Taking a normal function and implying that there's something wrong with it and it should be treated, (3) Defining as large a proportion of the population as possible as suffering from the 'disease', (4) Selective use of statistics to exaggerate the benefits of treatment, and (5) Getting the right spin doctors.

"Since disease is such a fluid and political concept, the providers can essentially create their own demand by broadening the definitions of diseases in such a way as to include the greatest number of people, and by spinning out new diseases," Payer explained in the book.

Although the mandatory screening language was removed from the Mothers Act last year, due to strong opposition, the words and actions by the bill's supporters demonstrate that the screening dragnet was always the main component of this disease mongering campaign. The language in the previous bill stated in part: "To ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about postpartum depression, screened for symptoms, and provided with essential services."

The main sponsor of the Act in the House was Illinois Democratic Congressman, Bobby Rush. On March 30, 2009, the Postpartum Support International website posted the headline: "Congressman Rush passes The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act in the U.S. House of Representatives... now it's on to the senate!!"

In a speech on the House floor that day, Rush made the following ridiculous disease mongering statement: "Madame Speaker, today, 60 to 80 percent of new mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression while the more serious condition, postpartum psychosis, affects up to 20 percent of women who have recently given birth."

He then took it a step further and told members of Congress: "Experts in the field of women's health like Susan Stone, Chair of the President's Advisory Council of Postpartum Support International, says that these statistics do not include mothers whose babies are stillborn, who miscarry, or who are vulnerable to these devastating disorders which raises those at risk into the millions."

"Every 50 seconds a new mother will begin struggling with the effects of mental illness," he added.

"After eight long years," Rush said, "today marks an important step forward in the journey for Congress to fully recognize postpartum depression as a national women's health priority."

Personal comment:

This is only a small portionofthis research. Go here to read some very frightening facts about just who is promoting and fundingthis obsene attack on new mothers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What Americans Think About Prevention

Excerpt taken from:
Dr. Mark Hyman’s Nine-Point Plan for Real Healthcare Reform—What do Americans Think about Prevention July 14, 2009 as posted on American Association for Health Freedom.

The concept of wellness is of course closely allied with the concept of prevention. What do Americans say is their most important healthcare reform priority? Hint: it’s not getting the government to take over healthcare!

A new public opinion poll found that Americans rank prevention as the most important healthcare reform priority. According to Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA), "This survey underscores what I have been saying from the outset: If we pass comprehensive health reform that extends coverage but does nothing to reform our broken system by emphasizing prevention and public health, then we will have failed. And we do not intend to fail. We know that prevention and wellness efforts are a key to reducing costs within a reformed healthcare system. And they will be a centerpiece of the reform effort underway on Capitol Hill."

Other Capitol Hill leaders in the healthcare reform battle agree. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D–MT) added, "This report shows that the American people believe prevention and wellness are the cornerstones of a high-performing healthcare system. And they're right. Today, we spend nearly $800 billion on health problems that are directly linked to lifestyle and poor health habits each year—about one third of our total healthcare spending. Simply put, that's too much. Reforming our system to focus on prevention will drive down costs and produce better health outcomes."

"This poll gives hard evidence that Americans know what works," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D–OR). "Prevention and wellness come first."

But true prevention is not the early-detection screenings followed by more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age currently being pushed by allopathic medicine. According to Dr. Abraham Verghese, “If your preventive strategy is medical, if it involves us, if it consists of screening, finding medical conditions early, shaking the bushes for high cholesterols, or abnormal EKGs, markers for prostate cancer such as PSA, then more often than not you don’t save anything and you might generate more medical costs.” He might have added that taking more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age may leave you sicker than you would have been.

True preventive medicine, as practiced by US integrative practitioners, involves advising and counseling the patient to make lifestyle choices that can turn on and turn off genes that predispose us to chronic degenerative disease. True preventive care does not push prescriptions or procedures, and does not generate billions for conventional medicine. It is based on commonsense, science-based lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices that can prevent and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other chronic degenerative disease. And it is a true solution to our nation’s runaway healthcare costs.
Consumers hold the power, guided by their integrative practitioners.

Read the full article here.

Daniel Silver

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Helath Care Industry Deception

The whole future of your ability to get good and affordable treatment for your health conditions is at stake. There are major insurance companies right now saying that they are all behind the reforms proposed by the true health care reformers. However they are also investing tons of money in lobbyist and independent promoters to stop any real reform.

This is not a new thing, it has been going on since before Medicare was established in 1964. Some of the false ideas being promoted is that other countries like Canada and Britain programs cause extreme delays and substandard care. These are shown to be wrong in the documentary By Michael Moore called "Sicko". This film has been discredited by the health insurance industry in order to keep we American people scared and confused. One courageous citizen named Donna Smith is out here trying to counteract this deception. She does appear in the movie and works with the California nurses association to promote a single payer system for all of us.
This brief interview is well worth viewing by all of us.

Another source of information about these insurance company tactics to preserve their profits is the past VP of Aetna Insurance, Wendel Potter. He is interview on the Bil Moyers Journal show. See it here as well as how the money and political threats are used to keep us out of a better health insurance system.

Well folks now is the time to find the truth about health care in this country and force our decision makers to do the right thing for us and not play the political game with our lives.

Daniel Silver

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go

(NaturalNews) Recently, a couple of Federal Budget Analysts from Washington, DC wondered about the profits in pharmaceutical drugs and came up with some interesting figures. Turns out that to purchase the active ingredients for many drugs is often pennies, while a hundred dollar plus price tag is passed on to consumers.

Monday, July 06, 2009 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist

They found a 100 tablets of 20 mg Prozac runs the consumer about $247.47, while the active ingredients only cost $0.11. Yes, that's right. Eleven cents for all one hundred tablets. It's a 224,973 percent mark-up, a profit margin most business owners dream of - but could never get away with.

Even more profitable, Xanax customers regularly pay $136.79 for a hundred 1 mg tablets, while the active ingredients cost just under three cents. The mark-up is an unbelievable 569,958 percent.

Of course, the active ingredients aren't the only expense in making these chemical concoctions. Drug companies regularly pay more than a million dollars per drug to their regulators, the FDA, in order to put their drug on the market. They are exorbitant fees, which all too often beg the question about any real regulation taking place, when the regulatory agency is funded by those it's supposed to be regulating.

Learn More Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go