Sunday, July 12, 2009

Helath Care Industry Deception

The whole future of your ability to get good and affordable treatment for your health conditions is at stake. There are major insurance companies right now saying that they are all behind the reforms proposed by the true health care reformers. However they are also investing tons of money in lobbyist and independent promoters to stop any real reform.

This is not a new thing, it has been going on since before Medicare was established in 1964. Some of the false ideas being promoted is that other countries like Canada and Britain programs cause extreme delays and substandard care. These are shown to be wrong in the documentary By Michael Moore called "Sicko". This film has been discredited by the health insurance industry in order to keep we American people scared and confused. One courageous citizen named Donna Smith is out here trying to counteract this deception. She does appear in the movie and works with the California nurses association to promote a single payer system for all of us.
This brief interview is well worth viewing by all of us.

Another source of information about these insurance company tactics to preserve their profits is the past VP of Aetna Insurance, Wendel Potter. He is interview on the Bil Moyers Journal show. See it here as well as how the money and political threats are used to keep us out of a better health insurance system.

Well folks now is the time to find the truth about health care in this country and force our decision makers to do the right thing for us and not play the political game with our lives.

Daniel Silver

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