Friday, December 30, 2011

The Ultimate Guide to Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Everything You Need To Take Charge Of Stress And Start Relaxing Today.
A Life Transforming Guide!
See what we cover and you’ll agree:
  • Identifying Your Sources for Stress – there are many types of stress and we explore those in detail
  • How Stress Affects Disease – learn what diseases are significantly influenced by stress
  • Keep a Record of Your Stress Factors – if you have a record you can learn how to turn those factors into relaxation
  • Improve Stress By Breathing Properly – learn how to reduce stress and relax by breathing properly
  • Self-hypnosis and visualization – there is nothing like progressive relaxation techniques – we teach them here
  • Your Own Relaxation Tape – the ultimate relaxation technique
  • Controlling Worry – discover how to stop worrying about stuff you just can’t change
  • How to Cope With Anxiety – more relaxation tips
  • Anger Management - how anger management is an important trait that can be helped through relaxation techniques
  • Time Management - how procrastination is a enemy of relaxation and how to organize an action plan
  • Job Stress – this is the worse stress of all – learn relaxation skills that can help control the work place stress
  • Stress and Nutrition - what are natural foods that can aid in reducing the stress
  • Exercise and Stress – how exercise can help you relax
  • Your Body and Stress - the ugly things that go on physiologically when stressed
  • Stress Can Kill – of course you know this, but how relaxation can fight the effects

     Get your copy and learn how to beat the stress in you life, home and business.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The power of your thoughts!

There is a strong connection of all your thoughts to your health, successes and financial well being.
This is a universal truth that if ignored will prevent you from reaching any kind of success.

The thoughts you put into your mind and continually reaffirm them will cause things in to nature to start the ball rolling to your successfully reaching any thing you want in this world.  One word of caution here though, nature does not know the difference from positive thoughts and or negative thoughts.  If you slip into the I can not do this mode it will happen just as easily as if you stay in the I CAN do this mode with any and all your endeavors.

I have recently read a book by By Wallace D Wattles written in 1930.  It is is just as empowering as it was then and anyone that wants to reach new goals or get out of old problems should read it.  It is available as a gift to you from The Science of Getting Rich Network

Get your copy now and see how much better your life and happiness will improve.  There is no cost or sign up required, however they do have a ezines that will just make your successes even better.

Daniel Silver

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Building a healthy breakfast


This excerpt is the start of healthy eating article at Dr. Ann Kulze M.D. website.

For ages now, we have all heard that breakfast is the number one ingredient in the recipe for an energized, productive day.  When it comes to your weight, it is doubly true.  A solid body of science affirms that people who eat breakfast regularly are leaner than those that don’t and much less apt to develop insulin resistance. A recent study presented at the 43rd Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Protection drives this point home.  In this study, researchers found that regular breakfast skippers, defined as eating breakfast 2 or less times a week, were 35-50% more likely to develop obesity and insulin resistance than those who ate breakfast regularly. (Buy my book for more on healthy meal planning!)

Read more of the actual suggestions at

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are Carbohydrates All Bad? The Absolute Truth Revealed!

Lack of education among the masses is one of the leading causes behind so many weight loss failures. As a matter of fact, lack of education gives birth to several misconceptions and superstitions! One such misconception is regarding carbohydrates. People think that carbohydrates are all bad and that if one can reduce carbohydrate intake, or even better, totally avoid carbohydrates, then weight loss will become easy! However, that is completely wrong!

There are actually two types of carbohydrates available: the good and the bad. You should of course avoid the 'bad' carbohydrates but the 'good' ones will provide your body with the much needed nutrition and energy. In this article I will tell you what types of carbs you should consume and which ones you should avoid to ensure quick weight loss!

1. The Bad Carbohydrates: In case you don't know, processed foods contain a lot of carbs. However they are bad carbs. These foods do contain some nutrition in their natural state but as soon as they are processed through several food processing stages, much of their nutrition and value is lost! What is left are empty calories which only make you fat and nothing else.

Examples of such foods are chips, white bread, pasta, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, candies, etc. These foods should be avoided at all costs, if you are serious about weight loss, that is!

These processed foods contain a lot of sugar and as you might be aware, sugar is rich in calorie content. The more sugar you consume, the fatter you become! These foods offer very little nutrition to your body and since they have very little fiber content, they are easily converted by your body into fat deposits.

Apart from weight gain, eating processed foods regularly can also result in diabetes, since your blood sugar levels increase so much that it becomes extremely difficult for insulin to control it!

2.  The Good Carbohydrates: So what are good carbohydrates? Good carbohydrates can usually be found in natural foods, such as raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, wholemeal pasta, wholegrain wheat, etc. These foods contain carbs for sure but not the ones that would make you fat! Unlike the fast carbs contained in the processed foods, these are slow carbs which take a long time to digest; therefore, you don't get fat!  Plus they also contain a high amount of fiber. Fiber will keep you full for a long time! If there was ever a natural way to suppress your appetite, then this is it!

Remember that not all carbs are bad. Making the right decision regarding carb consumption can result in quick weight loss!

Monday, October 31, 2011


One of the most wrongly diagnosed and wrongly understood neurological conditions in the world is Attention Deficit Disorder or more commonly known with its acronym of ADD. The reality is that the majority of people lacks a proper understanding of the disorder, and also would not be able to identify it if they met a person with ADD. This article, and there is more to follow, intends to give you information about ADD, the meaning of the disorder, the methods by which it is diagnosed, the various treatments, and some topics regarding the issue. And let’s hope that this would be a valuable tool by which your knowledge and ability to understand the disorder will increase.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or shortly ADHD/ADD, is a problem where the individual who is affected by it fails to be attentive for a long period of time. Motor restlessness and impulsive behavior are other indications of the disorder. Reports suggest that approximately 4.4% of all adults possess some degree of ADD.

ADD is understood as a disorder of the neurobiological type caused in brain by a glitch in the dopamine neurotransmitter systems. Genes play a huge part in maximum cases. There is 30% chance for a child to have ADD if a parent or near kith and kin has the disorder. In cases of twin children, if one of the pair has ADD, the other’s chances of being struck by the disease increases by 50%. At one time the belief was held that ADD could be caused by poor nutrition, but it has been dismissed now as a myth. Similarly, allergies, drugs or bad parenting could be cut off from the list. Deep head trauma, fetal alcohol syndrome, intoxication through lead, and thyroid irregularities, are some of the other medical conditions showing symptoms like ADD. Hence it is advised that the other possibilities are rules out completely before the person could be said to have ADD for sure.

Having ADD means that an individual having it is not getting sufficient neuro-chemicals. Said in simpler terms it signifies that proper stimulation of the brain is missing, as a result of which the brain attempts to find methods by which the release of the chemicals can be increased. People with ADD try to stimulate their brains with things like physical activities, movements, and always doing things that stimulate or are stimulating. This is not a conscious decision on the parts of the people with ADD. They really cannot help themselves and it becomes a reflex action and they act in a hyperactive manner.

The difficulty caused by this is that individuals who suffer from ADD, when face a circumstance that do not stimulate them, like school work, try to put their attention on something that is stimulating to them. Of course the school work is completely hampered by this, and the child cannot perform well in his or her studies. I can narrate a story here told to me by a friend. This incident happened when knowledge about the disease was poor. There was a child who would suddenly get up on his desk when the class is still commencing, and would begin to tell jokes. In the beginning people thought that he was trying to be funny and consciously disturb the others. But over time it came to be known that the child had ADD, and his actions were beyond his control. 

Personal relationships and the ability to be permanently employed also become cause of concern for people with ADD. Then legal issue also crop up when ADD causes people to take dangerous chances with themselves and end up doing careless things to stimulate themselves.

Get additional information by clicking on the image above today.

Monday, October 24, 2011

2 Reasons Why Low Calorie Diets Don't Work

Are you planning to follow a low calorie diet plan in order to lose weight fat! Before you do that, read this article to find out why low calorie diet plans don't work!

I cannot tell you how many people have emailed me saying that they followed certain popular low calorie diet plans for a few weeks only to find out that they haven't lost much weight. As such they felt that weight loss is impossible and therefore, they quit the diet program altogether!

The number one reason why low-calorie diet plans don't work is: when you eat low-calorie foods, your body basically remains malnourished. You feel sick and tired at all times. Forget about exercises, you don't have enough energy to complete even your regular activities. All these things happen because your metabolic rate is low!

If you want to lose weight successfully, you need to keep these two things in mind:

1. Calories are not your enemies: Calories are not what you should avoid; calories are required to supply your body with the necessary nutrition and energy. When your body gets enough food, it'll increase your metabolic rate, which will automatically result in weight loss!

The bad calories are those that are available in junk foods. So while you won't accumulate fat by eating 10 apples per day (even though a single apple contains almost 100 calories), you will surely get fat by eating 10 burgers!

That is the basic difference! You need to avoid empty calories (that is, junk foods) and embrace negative calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Now negative calorie doesn't mean that there is no calorie in these foods; it only means that in order to digest themselves, these foods will force your body to burn more calories than what they provide! This results in calorie deficit which will ultimately result in weight loss!

2. Muscle building is a must: Do you know that in order to maintain themselves, muscles burn a lot of your calories? This in effect means that the more lean muscles you have, the faster you will be able to lose weight! Eating protein-rich foods is a good way of building lean muscles; working out regularly in the gym is another. There is another yet advantage of eating protein-rich foods: you won't feel hungry too often; as such, the possibility of overeating is almost non-existent.

When you eat low-calorie foods, you are not able to build muscles; instead you LOSE muscles. When your body doesn't have enough lean muscles, it is not able to burn fat since your metabolic rate remains at an abnormally low level. So that is one more reason why low calorie diets don't work!

Most of these low calorie diets will only help you lose water and muscles; while you maybe misled into believing that you have actually lost several dozens of pounds, you have not lost the single most important thing that is keeping you from becoming slim: and that is FAT! Unless you lose fat, there is no way you can become fit!

Learn more common sense ways to get and stay well here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Common Sense Lost on Breast Cancer Group

Susan G. Komen for the Cure openly denies science by claiming BPA exposure has no connection to breast cancer, insists chemical is safe

Click on the link above to read the full article and supporting documentation that these groups are more interested in getting funds than in protecting women from breast cancer.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally printable article
Originally published December 28 2008

Five Easy Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Using One Great Fruit
by Frank Mangano, citizen journalist
See all articles by this author
Email this author

(NaturalNews) Have you had your lycopene today? If you ate a green salad with fresh chopped tomatoes, then you not only got a healthy dose of this powerful antioxidant, but you have also taken significant action toward lowering your blood pressure. A 2006 double-blind study conducted in Israel has confirmed what heart-healthy Italians have enjoyed for centuries – tomatoes (and tomato sauce) lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

The Israeli study was led up by Dr. Esther Paran, head of the hypertension division of Soroka Medical Center. It involved patients who were already being treated for hypertension, but were not responding well to the medications. Dr. Paran had patients take a supplement of tomato extract. The results were a significant drop in blood pressure after just four weeks.

Tomatoes are so effective at lowering blood pressure because they contain lycopene. This potent antioxidant is even the focus of some hybrid tomatoes grown by the Israeli company, Lycomato, in order to have higher concentrations of lycopene in each piece of fruit. Other antioxidants found in tomatoes make this one super-food in the prevention of heart disease. It can even help keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing, which makes it stick to the arteries and narrow the passage way causing blood pressure to increase.

Even during the peak growing season it can be difficult to consume four whole tomatoes each day, which is the recommended amount for having a positive impact on blood pressure. Here are some ways to get the benefits of tomatoes without having to eat them straight off the vine.

1. Make Chili. Using tomato puree, which is a concentrated form of tomatoes, as the base for your chili utilizes the antioxidants without the bulk of a whole tomato. Add some ultra-lean and high protein ground bison and kidney beans with minced garlic and onions, and cayenne pepper and you have a heart-healthy main course and a full day’s allowance of tomato.

2. Since using olive oil with the tomatoes enhances the curative quality, make your pasta sauce red with tomatoes, tomato paste and olive oil to sauté the garlic and onion. Tomato paste used in making sauce contains more than 10 times the nutrients of a single tomato.

3. Have a fresh salad as a side dish to either of these entrees and cut one whole tomato on top. You’ll get one-quarter of you tomato intake right there.

4. Drink tomato juice. It is better to make your own fresh juice so that you can control the sodium. Store bought juices can be high in sugar and sodium-based preservatives. If you have a juicer, you can make some incredible veggie juices to suit your own tastes by adding carrots, celery and some low-sodium seasonings.

5. Take a tomato supplement. If you just can’t stomach tomatoes, then a 200 mg supplement provides the equivalent of more than the recommended four tomatoes.

Adding tomatoes to your diet can reduce systolic blood pressure by 10 points and diastolic pressure by 4 points as was evident in the Israel study. Whatever way you slice it, tomatoes will keep strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure.
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About the author
Frank Mangano is a consumer health advocate and natural health writer who has authored and published hundreds of articles pertaining to natural health. He's the author of three books and teaches you how to dramatically improve your health naturally, without expensive and potentially dangerous prescription drugs. Frank is an independent researcher and has absolutely no financial ties to any pharmaceutical drug company or supplement company.
To learn more, visit one of the most comprehensive and reliable sources for natural health information on the web:

All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing LLC takes sole responsibility for all content. Truth Publishing sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. is presented for educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. For the full terms of usage of this material, visit

2 Easy Ways To Motivate Yourself To Get Rid of Belly Fat

Brought to you by Daniel Silver

Everyone knows that weight loss is all about modifying your lifestyle habits to a considerable extent. What many don't realize that this cannot be done overnight! If you try to make significant changes in your lifestyle within a very short time, chances are that you will only be frustrated and disappointed with your weight loss efforts. Also, there is more to weight loss than just diet and exercise. In this article I will take you beyond the world of strict diets and rigorous exercise routines!

1. Avoid self-sabotaging thoughts: Self-sabotaging thoughts will do you more harm than fake diet pills. Just imagine, if you always think that you cannot do the things you need to do in order to lose weight, how can you ever achieve your weight loss goals? If you think that you cannot do sit-ups and push-ups, you are probably jumping to conclusions and being too self-analytical even before you have tried these workouts!

If you think that doing thirty push-ups is overwhelming for you, start small. Start with 10 push-ups, and thank yourself once you have done it successfully! Then try to add one or two extra push-ups every day to your routine until you reach your target of thirty. You see, when you start small, it becomes much easier to reach your goals!

Instead of thinking too much, just take action and DO it! The amount of time you spend on thinking and criticizing yourself, you may as well as spend it on some exercise. While the former will do you no good, the latter will help you burn fat and lose weight!

2. Get support: Proper support is essential in order to keep you determined and motivated. Without support, you won't be able to lose weight successfully. That is why it is essential that you enlist the support of your friends and family who understand you and support your goals. It is also essential that you choose a weight loss program which offers support to its members in the form of a support group or forum. In a forum, you will get support and tips from your peers and experts alike!

Surround yourself with supportive people and stay away from the negative people who can only find faults with you!

If you follow these tips there is no reason why you won't be able to lose weight! Remember that you can achieve whatever you believe in your mind. If you believe you can lose weight, you WILL! It does sound cliche but is very much true!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Calorie/Exercise Guide

Calorie/Exercise Guide
Every extra pound =3500 calories = 3 hours of running

The only reliable basis for weight loss is reduction in intake of calories.

Exercise alone rarely produces the amount of weight loss people think it does. For example, it would take 26 minutes of running -or 1Y2 hours of walking­
to burn up 500 calories!
Most beneficial is a combination of decreased caloric intake and exercise, to keep the muscles firm and the -heart and blood vessels healthy. Safe, steady weight loss of between 1 and 2 pounds a week is a realistic goal for most people. Based on your height, body frame, and the type of exercise you normally get, your doctor can estimate the number of calories you require in a day.

Estimated calories per hour used during certain activities.

Calories Used

Type of Activity
Per Hour
Reading, watching TV, writing, eating, sewing, playing cards,

miscellaneous office work.
Office and other activities requiring some standing and

arm movement, preparing and cooking food, dusting,

handwashing clothes, ironing.
Light housework (making beds, mopping, scrubbing, sweeping,

light polishing and waxing), light gardening and carpentry work,

walking moderately fast.
Heavy housework (heavy scrubbing and waxing, hanging

laundry, stripping beds), walking fast, bowling, golfing, dancing,

riding, skating, doing calisthenics.
Heavy manual labor, cycling fast, swimming, climbing,

playing tennis, running, skiing.

Desirable weights for MEN of ages 25 and over
Weight in pounds according to frame (in indoor clothing)
(Shoes on 1" heels)
118-1 26
5' 11"

Desirable weights for WOMEN of ages 25 and over
For girls between 18 and'25, subtract 1 pound for each year under 25

        Medium         Large

      Frame        Frame
       4'10"        92-98







1 21-1 38








Friday, September 9, 2011

Not all diets are created equal.

Here are several tools to see how and why your diet is working or not working as it should for you.
It may not be your fault at all.  The real reasons that diets do not seem to work can be found here.

Do not give up till you have had a chance to see this info for yourself.  Not all diets are created equal.

Get other related weight control problems.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TLC for Skin with Acne

TLC for Skin with Acne

When you have acne, you have to give extra care to your skin for as you know, there are factors that changed your skin from those who have normal type. As recommended by the experts, you have to treat your skin affected with acne with more care and more caution. There are some helpful tips you must consider in order for you to gradually get that acne cured or if not at least, not let your condition turn even worse.

These are the things you must do and embrace as habits that you may be able to achieve better skin.

*The simplest way is by washing and cleaning your skin gently.

There are gentle soaps that would surely wash your skin mildly. You are of course not allowed to use soaps that are that strong for they may leave harsh effects on your skin. Toners and cleansers are not also recommended for they have active components that may worsen your skin’s condition. When you feel the need of a toner or a cleanser, see to it that it has an approval from your dermatologist or else you would just cry more and have even the worse acne condition.

Always see to it that you do not use skin products like skin scrubs for they would surely harm your skin. Be very careful in treating your skin, if you would not, you would definitely regret the outcomes. So, be disciplined and do not risk the health of your skin just for temporary things.

*For men, shave carefully

In order not to increase the possibility of harm that your skin might get due to the things you do or the products you use. Well, for men who shave off their skin hair, it is very advisable that they shave carefully and use cream or soap before doing so. The soap or cream would make the hair softer. Be sure to choose the right shaver as well.

Shaving is a really hygienic routine and sees to it that you do it properly without harming your skin. You have to remind yourself of this for it is really very important.

*Choose cosmetics carefully.

This is a special condition when you have acne. Cosmetics must be chosen well most especially, they are recommended by your dermatologist. When you have cosmetics that are needed to be changed, you need to switch to products that are oil free and are noncomedogenic. But, there are cases that the use of cosmetics is of no good at all. So, in this case, it would be best to leave your skin free of cosmetics.

These are just some of the things you need to consider as reminders for those who have acne. The right caution and care would surely give you the best results.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Activities for Seniors: Creating the Right Exercise Program

Seniors need regular exercise to maintain muscle tone, boost endurance and gain independence. There are several other benefits that workouts render, that keep the elderly living longer and staying away from disease. You should draw the perfect exercise program that adequately suits their capacity and needs. Here are some tips to get your started.

What They Can Do

The primary rule is to only provide enough exercise that will stimulate adequate blood flow to all the vital organs, as well as maintain muscle mass. Muscle tends to atrophy during the later stages of a person's life. You should keep hard-earned tissues through both cardiovascular exercises, stretching routines and weight training. In the beginning, it is important that you do an overall assessment of the senior citizen first, to ensure that he or she can do all the exercises without much trouble.

Very strenuous exercise can be detrimental to the overall condition of seniors. You need to check their response by listening to their verbalization's and observing how they cope. If you find some negative signs such as heavy breathing, profuse sweating, loss of balance, droopy eyelids and mild to severe pain, immediately stop the activity.

Being Flexible

Exercise routines should be individualized, which means that one program is only meant for a single individual. The specific approach is highly recommended since it takes away much of the risk of over training. You can also map out progress more efficiently by giving the exact type of exercises, number of repetitions and sets and duration of each workout. Use a log book and fill in all the details of every workout.

Exercise programs should be very flexible, in the sense that the routines and kinds of movements change every week or so, depending on the response of the patient. Your goal is to maintain or boost strength, flexibility and strength, if possible, so the exercises need to be upped as the individual gets stronger and better.

Getting a Professional

If you happen to be a concerned son or granddaughter taking care of a senior citizen in your home, it is always useful to get the opinion of a professional when creating your exercise plan, so you can select the right type and intensity that suit the needs of the patient. Professionals include dieticians, gym instructors, physical therapists, nutritionists, nurses and physicians who will check if the program is acceptable or too strenuous.

During the first few sessions, you can ask the professional to help you in assisting the senior go through the different movements. Proper execution is crucial to attain the various objectives and goals. Professional help is important every now and then, especially during the times when you're already supposed to evaluate the senior's response to treatment.

Other Sources

When defining the exercise routine, you can refer to exercise DVDs that caters to seniors, visit online forums and watch videos online. You can also visit senior centers to have an idea how a typical routine goes. Take some tips from instructors and the experts about evaluation and adjusting the routine for the patient. Over time, you will develop the skill in keeping the senior comfortable while giving him or her a truly sensible workout. Be reminded that diet and rest are the other two components that will sufficiently support the exercise program for seniors.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Think Clean and Green to Flawless Skin


Let’s accept the fact: many of us are skin conscious. As much as possible, we wanted to have a fresh, good looking skin. However, many of us failed to recognize that simple steps are the best ways to attain it. We just tend to ignore what is actually right or wrong for our skin. We tend to buy some beauty products that just worsen whatever skin imperfections we have as it turns out in the end. So, now is the time for change. We must do something to beat up all those bothering skin conditions we have.

Think and Act CLEAN

One thing that is true in our society since the early days is, some companies, if not all, that produce skin care products would like you to believe that a perfect, beautiful complexion can be purchased in a jar. But the truth is, a truly radiant, blemish free and moist skin is a result of being clean. If I say “clean”, it means clean from deep within and not just skin deep.

Most of the medical professionals commonly suggest that people with skin problems must practice certain skin care methods that will help improve the condition of the skin. One of the most recommended ways is to clean the skin gently by washing it with a mild cleanser, at least once in the morning and once in the evening, as well as after a heavy work out. But behind that way, there is one thing that’s very crucial for maintaining a beautiful skin, and that is: to create clean blood that continuously supplies wonderful nutrients right to the doorway of each and every cell in your body. If you will start practicing this, there’s no doubt that you’re well on your way to having beautiful skin.

But, how can you make it possible?

Well, these days keeping toxins out of your blood and organs in the body seems difficult. The primary reason is that, most of us dwell in a “sea” of chemicals and drugs. We even eat mostly refined foods. Now, if your main “goal” is a healthy and beautiful skin, then it’s now time for you to have a somewhat conscious effort to cleanse these dangerous substances out of your system while placing in the finest nutrients. There is a particular good news that you must know about your own system, that is, your body is constantly in a cleansing mode. It was created with the ability to drive out toxins as long as the energy necessary for it to function is supplied.

The bottom line is: cleansing energy is more abundant when you supply your body with the nutritious foods. Note the word “nutritious”.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Nature Cures: More Herbs for Flu

The tradition of Ayurveda offers us yet another natural, herbal approach to stave off flu and "swine" flu.

Next to the Lotus, Basil is perhaps the most sacred plant of India. Basil opens the heart and mind. Basil gives the protection of the divine by clearing the aura and strengthening the immune system.
Indian herb: Tulsi (basil) can help keep swine flu away: Ayurvedic experts

Lucknow, May 27: Wonder herb Tulsi can not only keep the dreaded swine flu at bay but also help in fast recovery of an afflicted person, Ayurvedic practitioners claim.

"The anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts across the world quite recently. Tulsi improves the body's overall defense mechanism including its ability to fight viral diseases. It was successfully used in combating Japanese Encephalitis and the same theory applies to swine flu," Dr U K Tiwari, a herbal medicine practitioner says.

Apart from acting as a preventive medicine in case of swine flu, Tulsi can help the patient recover faster.

"Even when a person has already contracted swine flu, Tulsi can help in speeding up the recovery process and also help in strengthening the immune system of the body," he claims.

Dr Bhupesh Patel, a lecturer at Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar is also of the view that Tulsi can play an important role in controlling swine flu.

"Tulsi can control swine flu and it should be taken in fresh form. Juice or paste of at least 20-25 medium sized leaves should be consumed twice a day on an empty stomach."

This increases the resistance of the body and, thereby, reduces the chances of inviting swine flu," believes Patel.
Posted by Gayle Eversole at August 15, 2009 8:50 a.m.
At Seattle PI Readers Blog

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Step Up Your Health

You have heard it all before -- consume fruits and veggies and exercise.....much easier said than accomplished when it comes to better health.

Here are a couple great, easy hints that don't necessarily call for you to totally overhaul your life-style.


It’s not always possible to acquire enough rest when you're racing around doing tons of things at one time. It’s truly really crucial, though, to schedule in a little down time (even if it’s just quarter-hour during the day) to do something you truly like, or to simply sit and do nothing for a bit.

Consume a lot of H2O:

I understand you've heard this previously -- but it’s worth hearing once more, as drinking more water is among the simplest (and cheapest) things to add to your day! It’s a scientifically affirmed belief that drinking enough H2O throughout the day really accelerates your metabolism. If you don't consume enough and become dehydrated, your metabolism really slows down to compensate!

Keep an eye on what you drink:

While we're on the issue of fluids, it’s truly crucial to observe just how many additional calories you may be absorbing without even realizing it!
It’s astonishing how many additional calories may easily get added in daily in the form of pop, sugary juices, alcohol, etc. Even substituting merely one of these with a glass of water daily will make a big difference!

Eat slower:

Chew slowly. The advice about chewing every bite a particular number of times absolutely has merit. You truly ought to attempt to slow down when you're eating. If you eat slower, not only will you feel fuller with less food, you'll likewise possibly avoid the common digestive issues like heartburn, indigestion, and so forth.

Consume good fat:

That's correct -- your body requires fat to function. The key is acquiring the correct fat, and warding off the wrong sort of fat. I'm certain you've heard all about trans-fat and how it’s atrocious. Prevent it when you can! You can't always, and a bit isn't necessarily horrific...but attempt to keep it to a minimum.


I'm not going to tell you that you have to exercise ten hours a day...but being active is really crucial. Regular physical activity is crucial, but you are able to do that in a lot more ways than scarcely staring at a boring wall in a gymnasium. Taking a walk is a marvelous way of not only getting your work out, but likewise taking some of that crucial relaxation time for yourself! You do not have to go really fast, but naturally the livelier the walk the more calories you'll burn.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Now THIS is interesting..."

[ Editor's Note:  Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you.]

Have you ever started out to do one thing but ended up doing something different?

Night and day different?

Remember how Post-It Notes were invented?

Some guy was trying to come up with a "permanent" glue.

Obviously he failed... and he considered it a failure... but 3M had another idea.

The guy was all of a sudden Joe Brilliant.

Well, I'm feeling a bit like Joe today.

But this is much more interesting to you than Post-It Notes...

It's about s - e - x... sorta.

Not dirty, I'm talking about couple's stuff here.

My new book just came out today about it.

But it didn't start off that way at all.

In fact ... get this... I was co-writing a book with medical researcher Frank Mangano on lowering blood pressure without meds... really.

So how did this big U-turn occur?

Okay, okay.... funny, true story:

I read this article from a medical journal about how "lowering blood pressure would help sexual-performance-problems."

Ding. The light bulb went off in my head.

You see, lowering blood pressure is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself.

But face it -- it's really, really BORING.

I mean, who really cares about their blood pressure unless their doctor says, "Look, lower your blood pressure or you'll die in six months."

Then you care.

Are you with me?

I'm right and we all know it.

Heck, I was the same way.

I ignored my blood pressure for years until it hit stroke-level back in my 30s.

Then I could no longer ignore it.

I found every natural alternative possible... which led me to Frank's books... and they are the BEST.

So Frank comes to me and asks me to contribute to his very popular on-the-shelf book "The Blood Pressure Miracle" --

... and I said,

"Hey, guess what I just read?"

Since he's the researcher, I said, "Go see if there's any truth to this."

The results BLEW MY MIND.

Not only is there truth to it -- that, yes... lowering blood pressure not only extends your life but also extends your sex life as well -- but WOW... it's a major player in everything from male-ED to females feeling "out of the mood."

It's crazy, but it's true.

It makes sense once you read this:

 <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

Hang with me: It gets better...

So Frank digs up article after article on the subject of high blood pressure and LOW sexual-energy and performance... and we have a much more compelling reason to want to lower our blood pressure, now don't we?

But we wanted more.

I said, "Look Frank, I get a lot of emails about sex-after-30... people who want to feel more kick, more alive in that area of their lives... and above all, closer to their mates."

So... we decided to add another book on TOP of our book...

... a book on improving sexual-pleasure for couples only. "Revolutionary Sex" is the name of it. My friend Alex Allman wrote it...and just like that we had two books instead of one.

But that's not all... ( told you... this story is interesting... ; )

THEN my friend Jeff Anderson comes out with his "homemade V" -- and guys, we know what "V" stands for.

Listen: V (little blue things) is really dangerous stuff. It really is. It RAISES blood pressure for one thing. For another it can cause addiction and memory loss.

But Jeff's version is all-natural, cheap (we're talking pennies instead of dollars per "pill" to make) and above all... SAFE.

So all of a sudden... THREE books (plus an audio)... so...

It became a System, not a book.

And the topic went from "lowering blood pressure" to ...

... How you can completely solve your sexual-performance-problems and increase your pleasure all by lowering blood pressure naturally without meds."

What a concept...

...and it WORKS.

 <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

Here are the advantages...

1. If you take blood pressure meds... and a lot of you do... your "kick in the stick" suffers. A lot. Some men suffer all the way, which lead them to taking the V stuff...

... and that stuff 'raises' blood pressure.

Bad, bad combo. Our System gets you off of that dangerous and expensive cycle of drugs and on to a natural, easy approach that also adds pleasure to your relationship.

2. Cheaper... by far... than meds.

3. Something you can read and do as a couple or as a single person.

4. You get healthy and you get your vigor back at the same time. Ladies too.

5. It's guaranteed-to-work... 60 days on us.

I'm very proud of this System. We put a lot of time, research and effort into it.

If you want a life free from high BP and sexual-performance-issues and better health, then go here:

 <--- Low Pressure Sex-System

P.S. There's even more to this story --

We created an "Advanced Health and Relationship-Saver Kit" that comes with the most awesome self-hypnosis audios to help you relieve stress, lower pressure, increased your "drive", and more.

You can get the starter Kit or the Advanced Kit here:

 <--- Low Pressure Sex-book

Here's to your health... and your increased pleasure and enjoyment.