Achieving wellness with common sense. Getting back to using our own common sense!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fad Diets That Work
There is a computer program system now available to help all of us
loos the extra weight. The sheer process of losing and maintain weight
control has been a real challenge.
This E-Book is now available for free that gives an outline of how to
make Fad Diets really work. This book may be the best information
available today.
Get this free Informative book now.
Dan Silver
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
FDA Attacks Natural Thyroid Millions Depend On
Here we go again, our suspicious FDA bureaucrats are playing scientist and THE all great guardian of public health.
This article appeared in the American Association of Health Freedom newsletter. The report says that the FDA made an arbitrary decision to class these preparations as "unapproved drugs" with no real explaination. As stated in this article these preparations are more complete Than the current non generic medications available. The safety and the benefits have been seen since 1890 when they were first introduced. Millions of people have come to depend on this source to combat the effects of hypothyroidism.
This quote shows the attempt to restrict these preparations.
"We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug. Since the new drug approval process is prohibitively expensive for a non-patentable substance, the FDA is in effect banning the natural product. The purpose? Presumably to protect the profits of other, inferior drugs that have been FDA approved."
Further into the article Dr. Jonathan Wright states:
“Natural thyroid has never killed or severely harmed anyone since its first use in the 1890s, prior to the FDA itself. It is a mainstay not only in the treatment of hypothyroidism but also in ‘healthy aging’ therapy. That the FDA should even be thinking of requiring a new drug approval for a safe, 100 plus year old natural treatment is outrageous.”
The FDA is systematically forcing all of us to follow the profit making desires of the major drug companies. Thereby preventing the better therapies fr.rm even reaching our citizens for a complete and safe thyroid support.
Want to learn more and stay ahead of our prejudice government protectors go here.
This article appeared in the American Association of Health Freedom newsletter. The report says that the FDA made an arbitrary decision to class these preparations as "unapproved drugs" with no real explaination. As stated in this article these preparations are more complete Than the current non generic medications available. The safety and the benefits have been seen since 1890 when they were first introduced. Millions of people have come to depend on this source to combat the effects of hypothyroidism.
This quote shows the attempt to restrict these preparations.
"We have learned that Time-Cap Labs, producer of a generic version of the brand name drug Armour, a natural and bioidentical thyroid replacement, has been ordered by the FDA to stop production. The FDA has decided to classify the company’s product, available for over a century, as an unapproved new drug. Since the new drug approval process is prohibitively expensive for a non-patentable substance, the FDA is in effect banning the natural product. The purpose? Presumably to protect the profits of other, inferior drugs that have been FDA approved."
Further into the article Dr. Jonathan Wright states:
“Natural thyroid has never killed or severely harmed anyone since its first use in the 1890s, prior to the FDA itself. It is a mainstay not only in the treatment of hypothyroidism but also in ‘healthy aging’ therapy. That the FDA should even be thinking of requiring a new drug approval for a safe, 100 plus year old natural treatment is outrageous.”
The FDA is systematically forcing all of us to follow the profit making desires of the major drug companies. Thereby preventing the better therapies fr.rm even reaching our citizens for a complete and safe thyroid support.
Want to learn more and stay ahead of our prejudice government protectors go here.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
N1H1 Flu Vaccine
Did you know that the base for this vaccine comes from green monkeys in Africa? They appear to be the base for all flue vaccines. This time however, they are using actual cancerous cells to be injected into we humans. This is noted in a report found at on September 8, 2009
It is also noted that the majority of Doctors and other healthcare professionals in Germany are refusing to get the vacination. They feel it has not been tested properly and that more people will suffer the consequenses of the cure than the disease.
The reports of infection of swine flu are being dramaticly misreported. the reason being taht the health officials are considering any flu to be the swine flu without any testing being provided. This leads to a lot of misinforamtion and panic for those of us who have no idea what is really going on. So far it appears taht in China and even herre in the US the majority of cases are nothing more taht the traditional flu that can be treated with common sense measures.
We all need to look a lot deeper into this major infringement on our health and personal choices. Taking the word of the government agencies and the drug companies is putting our trust in the wrong place. So far the fear mongering and constant exposure to the current propaganda is not allowing the free expression of the truth on this disease. The only thing that will come from this attack will be richer drug companies and a sicker population.
Daniel Silver
It is also noted that the majority of Doctors and other healthcare professionals in Germany are refusing to get the vacination. They feel it has not been tested properly and that more people will suffer the consequenses of the cure than the disease.
The reports of infection of swine flu are being dramaticly misreported. the reason being taht the health officials are considering any flu to be the swine flu without any testing being provided. This leads to a lot of misinforamtion and panic for those of us who have no idea what is really going on. So far it appears taht in China and even herre in the US the majority of cases are nothing more taht the traditional flu that can be treated with common sense measures.
We all need to look a lot deeper into this major infringement on our health and personal choices. Taking the word of the government agencies and the drug companies is putting our trust in the wrong place. So far the fear mongering and constant exposure to the current propaganda is not allowing the free expression of the truth on this disease. The only thing that will come from this attack will be richer drug companies and a sicker population.
Daniel Silver
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
The following exerpt is found on newletter site.
Legal Immunity Set for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers
Prior to October 1, 1988, if you or your child were injured by a childhood vaccine you were allowed to file a lawsuit against a vaccine manufacturer to receive compensation.
Because of such lawsuits, vaccines turned out to be a costly venture for pharmaceutical companies, who threatened to pull out of the vaccine business altogether.
This led to the creation of The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), the so-called “vaccine court.” This program has boosted vaccine sales growth immensely since its induction, largely because manufacturers now have zero liability for the products they produce.
If your child becomes seriously injured or dies after receiving a childhood vaccine, the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you’re actually awarded compensation through NVICP, it is the taxpayers who pay, NOT the vaccine makers.
But that was for childhood vaccines.
What we’re looking at now is the complete removal of liability for so-called pandemic vaccines, all adjuvants, and antiviral medications such as Tamiflu and Relenza.
In fact, ANY product used to fight "an epidemic" is protected under this law, and the government decides what drugs fit the bill.
It is a blatant demonstration of just how powerful the corporate drug interests have become. Indeed, with the largest political lobby in Congress, their influence is so great they have been able to manipulate numerous laws that now insulate them from any responsibility in harming or killing people in their relentless drive to earn profits, without regard to human health or well-being.
Mr. Oboma could save $3.5 BILLION/year on drug costs alone...
It's called "pay for delay" and if you haven't heard of it, that's because they do everything they can to keep these deals as quiet as possible. Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission sued one drug company to block a deal it made with three generic manufacturers to keep cheaper alternatives off the market.
And now, the FTC is trying to get these deals banned outright, saying they cost consumers $3.5 billion per year. It's only 15 years too late.
This is money that's coming right out of our pockets, one way or another.
It costs insurers money when they have to spring for brand-name drugs instead of generics. And anyone who has insurance pays for it in the form of higher copays and higher premiums.
It costs the government money, because the feds pay a full third of all prescription drug costs. Killing these shady back-room deals would save the government $1.2 billion dollars. That's also money that comes from us, the taxpayers.
And of course it costs the millions of uninsured consumers when they have to reach into their own pockets to shell out extra money to pay for a brand-name drug because the generic manufacturer sold out to Big Pharma.
And now, the FTC is trying to get these deals banned outright, saying they cost consumers $3.5 billion per year. It's only 15 years too late.
This is money that's coming right out of our pockets, one way or another.
It costs insurers money when they have to spring for brand-name drugs instead of generics. And anyone who has insurance pays for it in the form of higher copays and higher premiums.
It costs the government money, because the feds pay a full third of all prescription drug costs. Killing these shady back-room deals would save the government $1.2 billion dollars. That's also money that comes from us, the taxpayers.
And of course it costs the millions of uninsured consumers when they have to reach into their own pockets to shell out extra money to pay for a brand-name drug because the generic manufacturer sold out to Big Pharma.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 Delivers New Encyclopedia of Natural Health Knowledge to the World
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
For the last two years, I've been working very hard on an important project to bring you free, open access to a wealth of information about natural remedies, nutritional cures and green living. The obstacles to its completion were enormous, but as you'll soon see, the effort was well worth it!
Allow me to introduce the new NaturalPedia (, a free online encyclopedia of natural health knowledge from the industry's top authors and writers. This website is an amazing research tool that allows you to find quotes from natural health books on more than 50,000 topics.
For example, if you want to check out what's being written about a disease like diabetes, just go to
If you'd like to learn how to prevent diabetes, you could go straight to
And if you want to learn how diabetes can be helped with regular exercise, you can visit this page that combines "diabetes" with "exercise":
NaturalPedia includes hundreds of thousands of quotations from 570 books, covering over 53,000 keyword concepts. Even more interestingly, it has calculated more than 23 million keyword correlations, then used advanced linguistic analysis logic to pair keywords in meaningful ways (such as a disease and an herb), allowing you to drill down and find the nutrients, herbs and substances that can help prevent or reverse almost any disease or health condition known to modern medicine.
For example, from our page on cancer (, you can choose the related concept of selenium and click to read quotes on both topics: cancer and selenium (
You can also see a detailed conceptual analysis of each of the 570 books currently included in the NaturalPedia system. For example, this page on The China Study by T. Colin Campbell reveals an amazing amount of detail on the book:
It not only shows you the word count of the book, it also reveals a list of the most prominent concepts in the book, sorted by frequency. On the right margin, additional conceptually-related books are recommended for further exploration.
With well over one million unique web pages of compiled content, NaturalPedia represents the most comprehensive book-based online natural health encyclopedia in the world.
Read more Here
Daniel Silver
For the last two years, I've been working very hard on an important project to bring you free, open access to a wealth of information about natural remedies, nutritional cures and green living. The obstacles to its completion were enormous, but as you'll soon see, the effort was well worth it!
Allow me to introduce the new NaturalPedia (, a free online encyclopedia of natural health knowledge from the industry's top authors and writers. This website is an amazing research tool that allows you to find quotes from natural health books on more than 50,000 topics.
For example, if you want to check out what's being written about a disease like diabetes, just go to
If you'd like to learn how to prevent diabetes, you could go straight to
And if you want to learn how diabetes can be helped with regular exercise, you can visit this page that combines "diabetes" with "exercise":
NaturalPedia includes hundreds of thousands of quotations from 570 books, covering over 53,000 keyword concepts. Even more interestingly, it has calculated more than 23 million keyword correlations, then used advanced linguistic analysis logic to pair keywords in meaningful ways (such as a disease and an herb), allowing you to drill down and find the nutrients, herbs and substances that can help prevent or reverse almost any disease or health condition known to modern medicine.
For example, from our page on cancer (, you can choose the related concept of selenium and click to read quotes on both topics: cancer and selenium (
You can also see a detailed conceptual analysis of each of the 570 books currently included in the NaturalPedia system. For example, this page on The China Study by T. Colin Campbell reveals an amazing amount of detail on the book:
It not only shows you the word count of the book, it also reveals a list of the most prominent concepts in the book, sorted by frequency. On the right margin, additional conceptually-related books are recommended for further exploration.
With well over one million unique web pages of compiled content, NaturalPedia represents the most comprehensive book-based online natural health encyclopedia in the world.
Read more Here
Daniel Silver
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Follow These Six Foundation Principles for Optimum Health and Wellbeing
Friday, August 07, 2009 by: Gregory Hollings, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Eubie Blake, the famous jazz composer, once said "If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." This quote rings true when we consider that whilst we may be living for longer we may not necessarily be taking better care of ourselves. With our ever-increasingly fast-paced lifestyles the time we once took to cook and eat healthily, exercise regularly and relax has inevitably been rescheduled with the aid of our Blackberries. As a result the soaring rates of degenerative diseases such as cancer and diabetes have regularly found themselves on the front pages of national newspapers across the globe.
If we are to achieve optimum health and wellbeing as individuals and as a community we can no longer outsource the day-to-day management of our own health to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. We need to make a personal commitment to our bodies and minds by following these six foundation principles:
Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts
The first thing you do when you wake up is think. It might not be anything profound other than realizing you desperately need to go to the bathroom. However, some would agree that your very first thoughts upon waking will determine your mood for the rest of the day - be it upbeat or downcast. This in turn will have quite a serious impact on the quality of the decisions you make. For example, if you`re in a foul mood when you come home from work you may decide to treat yourself by hitting the sofa with a tub of ice cream rather than burning that negative energy off with a long walk.
Breathe Deeply And Slowly To Relax
As babies we know subconsciously how to breathe properly. But as we grow into adults our breathing patterns often become shortened and more shallow. This is mainly due to the hectic nature of our lifestyles, which often puts us into a "fight or flight" stress pattern for extended periods of time. When you feel under pressure those stressful thoughts will manifest themselves physically as a faster heartbeat and a shallow breathing pattern which originates in the chest. With a correct breathing pattern you will see your stomach muscles extending first followed by the extension of your ribcage, which automatically makes you breathe more deeply and slowly. This has a calming effect.
Get To Bed On Time
In their book Lights Out, Wiley and Formby`s compelling research tells us that a good night`s sleep will help you lose weight, curb your cravings for refined carbohydrates, eradicate depression and reverse Type II diabetes. Whether you achieve a restful sleep will be determined by your state of mind, the food that you`ve eaten and if there are any sources of electromagnetic stress, such as a TV, laptop or mobile phone, in your bedroom. Research that has made the connection between regular sleep patterns and your health is hard to ignore.
Let Food Be Your Drug Of Choice
The incessant consumer demand for a huge choice of cheap and convenient food has put incredible pressure on commercial farmers to employ harmful farming practices in order to meet the strict standards placed upon them by powerful supermarkets. These farming practices are irreparably damaging the soil in which our food is grown, which simply means that our fruit and vegetables simply aren`t as nutritious as they once were.
Food is an incredibly powerful drug, which is why it`s important that each individual works out which combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for every meal is best for his/her optimal health and wellbeing - see metabolic typing. It`s also important that we become more discerning with the food businesses that we choose to give our hard earned money to. Buying locally grown, organic whole food, which is in season, will support your own community and is an essential component to becoming fit and healthy.
Water Your Internal Garden
Dr Batmanghelidj pointed out in his book "Your Body`s Many Cries For Water" that dehydration is a common cause for many ailments and diseases. In order to maintain good levels of energy, concentration and digestive function it`s important to drink good clean, filtered water on a regular basis. Paul Chek of the CHEK Institute recommends the following formula in order to calculate the amount of water you need: 0.033 x Your weight in kilograms = litres of water to drink per day. In order for you to look and feel great on the outside you need to maintain a good level of hydration on the inside.
Exercise To Boost Your Energy Levels
Just as you need to spend money in order to make money the same applies to exercise and your energy levels. Regular exercise will improve your body shape, protect your heart from disease, strengthen your joints and bones and relieve stress. An essential factor to successfully incorporating any exercise program permanently into your lifestyle is enjoyment. Without the enjoyment your exercise program will be just another chore on your to-do list.
Whether it`s right or wrong, given a choice of a ton of money or perfect health most people will generally choose money as their stepping stone to happiness. However, in this current economic climate the financial turmoil has led many people to re-evaluate their priorities as they begin to realize that without their health and wellbeing the quest to find the holy grail that is happiness is a futile one. Unlike many over-hyped health products sold on the market today, the six foundation principles are representative of the ancient wisdoms that have been passed down from generation to generation of healthy communities around the world. Simply put they are the bedrock of a fulfilling and happy life.
Article sources
How To Eat, Move And Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Lights Out: Sugar, Sleep and Survival by T.S. Wiley and Brent Formby Phd
The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey
Your Body`s Many Cries For Water by Dr F. Batmanghelidj
Friday, August 07, 2009 by: Gregory Hollings, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) Eubie Blake, the famous jazz composer, once said "If I had known I would live this long, I would have taken better care of myself." This quote rings true when we consider that whilst we may be living for longer we may not necessarily be taking better care of ourselves. With our ever-increasingly fast-paced lifestyles the time we once took to cook and eat healthily, exercise regularly and relax has inevitably been rescheduled with the aid of our Blackberries. As a result the soaring rates of degenerative diseases such as cancer and diabetes have regularly found themselves on the front pages of national newspapers across the globe.
If we are to achieve optimum health and wellbeing as individuals and as a community we can no longer outsource the day-to-day management of our own health to the medical and pharmaceutical industries. We need to make a personal commitment to our bodies and minds by following these six foundation principles:
Be Mindful Of Your Thoughts
The first thing you do when you wake up is think. It might not be anything profound other than realizing you desperately need to go to the bathroom. However, some would agree that your very first thoughts upon waking will determine your mood for the rest of the day - be it upbeat or downcast. This in turn will have quite a serious impact on the quality of the decisions you make. For example, if you`re in a foul mood when you come home from work you may decide to treat yourself by hitting the sofa with a tub of ice cream rather than burning that negative energy off with a long walk.
Breathe Deeply And Slowly To Relax
As babies we know subconsciously how to breathe properly. But as we grow into adults our breathing patterns often become shortened and more shallow. This is mainly due to the hectic nature of our lifestyles, which often puts us into a "fight or flight" stress pattern for extended periods of time. When you feel under pressure those stressful thoughts will manifest themselves physically as a faster heartbeat and a shallow breathing pattern which originates in the chest. With a correct breathing pattern you will see your stomach muscles extending first followed by the extension of your ribcage, which automatically makes you breathe more deeply and slowly. This has a calming effect.
Get To Bed On Time
In their book Lights Out, Wiley and Formby`s compelling research tells us that a good night`s sleep will help you lose weight, curb your cravings for refined carbohydrates, eradicate depression and reverse Type II diabetes. Whether you achieve a restful sleep will be determined by your state of mind, the food that you`ve eaten and if there are any sources of electromagnetic stress, such as a TV, laptop or mobile phone, in your bedroom. Research that has made the connection between regular sleep patterns and your health is hard to ignore.
Let Food Be Your Drug Of Choice
The incessant consumer demand for a huge choice of cheap and convenient food has put incredible pressure on commercial farmers to employ harmful farming practices in order to meet the strict standards placed upon them by powerful supermarkets. These farming practices are irreparably damaging the soil in which our food is grown, which simply means that our fruit and vegetables simply aren`t as nutritious as they once were.
Food is an incredibly powerful drug, which is why it`s important that each individual works out which combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats for every meal is best for his/her optimal health and wellbeing - see metabolic typing. It`s also important that we become more discerning with the food businesses that we choose to give our hard earned money to. Buying locally grown, organic whole food, which is in season, will support your own community and is an essential component to becoming fit and healthy.
Water Your Internal Garden
Dr Batmanghelidj pointed out in his book "Your Body`s Many Cries For Water" that dehydration is a common cause for many ailments and diseases. In order to maintain good levels of energy, concentration and digestive function it`s important to drink good clean, filtered water on a regular basis. Paul Chek of the CHEK Institute recommends the following formula in order to calculate the amount of water you need: 0.033 x Your weight in kilograms = litres of water to drink per day. In order for you to look and feel great on the outside you need to maintain a good level of hydration on the inside.
Exercise To Boost Your Energy Levels
Just as you need to spend money in order to make money the same applies to exercise and your energy levels. Regular exercise will improve your body shape, protect your heart from disease, strengthen your joints and bones and relieve stress. An essential factor to successfully incorporating any exercise program permanently into your lifestyle is enjoyment. Without the enjoyment your exercise program will be just another chore on your to-do list.
Whether it`s right or wrong, given a choice of a ton of money or perfect health most people will generally choose money as their stepping stone to happiness. However, in this current economic climate the financial turmoil has led many people to re-evaluate their priorities as they begin to realize that without their health and wellbeing the quest to find the holy grail that is happiness is a futile one. Unlike many over-hyped health products sold on the market today, the six foundation principles are representative of the ancient wisdoms that have been passed down from generation to generation of healthy communities around the world. Simply put they are the bedrock of a fulfilling and happy life.
Article sources
How To Eat, Move And Be Healthy by Paul Chek
Lights Out: Sugar, Sleep and Survival by T.S. Wiley and Brent Formby Phd
The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey
Your Body`s Many Cries For Water by Dr F. Batmanghelidj
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Mothers Act Disease Mongering Campaign - Part II
Monday, July 27, 2009 by: Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer
(NaturalNews) This is part two of an investigative series on The Mothers Act by Evelyn Pringle. Read part one here:
The Mothers Act legislation specifically defines the term "postpartum conditions" as "postpartum depression" or "postpartum psychosis." Use of the Act as an 8-year disease mongering campaign to further promote the new cottage industry of "reproductive psychiatry," or "reproductive mental health," comes from websites often run by people who will financially benefit from passage of the Act.
In 1992, the late journalist Lynn Payer wrote a book titled, "Disease Mongering," and defined disease mongering as, "trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill."
Tactics identified in the book currently used in the Mothers Act campaign include: (1) Framing the issues in a particular way, (2) Taking a normal function and implying that there's something wrong with it and it should be treated, (3) Defining as large a proportion of the population as possible as suffering from the 'disease', (4) Selective use of statistics to exaggerate the benefits of treatment, and (5) Getting the right spin doctors.
"Since disease is such a fluid and political concept, the providers can essentially create their own demand by broadening the definitions of diseases in such a way as to include the greatest number of people, and by spinning out new diseases," Payer explained in the book.
Although the mandatory screening language was removed from the Mothers Act last year, due to strong opposition, the words and actions by the bill's supporters demonstrate that the screening dragnet was always the main component of this disease mongering campaign. The language in the previous bill stated in part: "To ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about postpartum depression, screened for symptoms, and provided with essential services."
The main sponsor of the Act in the House was Illinois Democratic Congressman, Bobby Rush. On March 30, 2009, the Postpartum Support International website posted the headline: "Congressman Rush passes The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act in the U.S. House of Representatives... now it's on to the senate!!"
In a speech on the House floor that day, Rush made the following ridiculous disease mongering statement: "Madame Speaker, today, 60 to 80 percent of new mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression while the more serious condition, postpartum psychosis, affects up to 20 percent of women who have recently given birth."
He then took it a step further and told members of Congress: "Experts in the field of women's health like Susan Stone, Chair of the President's Advisory Council of Postpartum Support International, says that these statistics do not include mothers whose babies are stillborn, who miscarry, or who are vulnerable to these devastating disorders which raises those at risk into the millions."
"Every 50 seconds a new mother will begin struggling with the effects of mental illness," he added.
"After eight long years," Rush said, "today marks an important step forward in the journey for Congress to fully recognize postpartum depression as a national women's health priority."
Personal comment:
This is only a small portionofthis research. Go here to read some very frightening facts about just who is promoting and fundingthis obsene attack on new mothers
(NaturalNews) This is part two of an investigative series on The Mothers Act by Evelyn Pringle. Read part one here:
The Mothers Act legislation specifically defines the term "postpartum conditions" as "postpartum depression" or "postpartum psychosis." Use of the Act as an 8-year disease mongering campaign to further promote the new cottage industry of "reproductive psychiatry," or "reproductive mental health," comes from websites often run by people who will financially benefit from passage of the Act.
In 1992, the late journalist Lynn Payer wrote a book titled, "Disease Mongering," and defined disease mongering as, "trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill."
Tactics identified in the book currently used in the Mothers Act campaign include: (1) Framing the issues in a particular way, (2) Taking a normal function and implying that there's something wrong with it and it should be treated, (3) Defining as large a proportion of the population as possible as suffering from the 'disease', (4) Selective use of statistics to exaggerate the benefits of treatment, and (5) Getting the right spin doctors.
"Since disease is such a fluid and political concept, the providers can essentially create their own demand by broadening the definitions of diseases in such a way as to include the greatest number of people, and by spinning out new diseases," Payer explained in the book.
Although the mandatory screening language was removed from the Mothers Act last year, due to strong opposition, the words and actions by the bill's supporters demonstrate that the screening dragnet was always the main component of this disease mongering campaign. The language in the previous bill stated in part: "To ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about postpartum depression, screened for symptoms, and provided with essential services."
The main sponsor of the Act in the House was Illinois Democratic Congressman, Bobby Rush. On March 30, 2009, the Postpartum Support International website posted the headline: "Congressman Rush passes The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act in the U.S. House of Representatives... now it's on to the senate!!"
In a speech on the House floor that day, Rush made the following ridiculous disease mongering statement: "Madame Speaker, today, 60 to 80 percent of new mothers experience symptoms of postpartum depression while the more serious condition, postpartum psychosis, affects up to 20 percent of women who have recently given birth."
He then took it a step further and told members of Congress: "Experts in the field of women's health like Susan Stone, Chair of the President's Advisory Council of Postpartum Support International, says that these statistics do not include mothers whose babies are stillborn, who miscarry, or who are vulnerable to these devastating disorders which raises those at risk into the millions."
"Every 50 seconds a new mother will begin struggling with the effects of mental illness," he added.
"After eight long years," Rush said, "today marks an important step forward in the journey for Congress to fully recognize postpartum depression as a national women's health priority."
Personal comment:
This is only a small portionofthis research. Go here to read some very frightening facts about just who is promoting and fundingthis obsene attack on new mothers
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What Americans Think About Prevention
Excerpt taken from:
Dr. Mark Hyman’s Nine-Point Plan for Real Healthcare Reform—What do Americans Think about Prevention July 14, 2009 as posted on American Association for Health Freedom.
The concept of wellness is of course closely allied with the concept of prevention. What do Americans say is their most important healthcare reform priority? Hint: it’s not getting the government to take over healthcare!
A new public opinion poll found that Americans rank prevention as the most important healthcare reform priority. According to Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA), "This survey underscores what I have been saying from the outset: If we pass comprehensive health reform that extends coverage but does nothing to reform our broken system by emphasizing prevention and public health, then we will have failed. And we do not intend to fail. We know that prevention and wellness efforts are a key to reducing costs within a reformed healthcare system. And they will be a centerpiece of the reform effort underway on Capitol Hill."
Other Capitol Hill leaders in the healthcare reform battle agree. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D–MT) added, "This report shows that the American people believe prevention and wellness are the cornerstones of a high-performing healthcare system. And they're right. Today, we spend nearly $800 billion on health problems that are directly linked to lifestyle and poor health habits each year—about one third of our total healthcare spending. Simply put, that's too much. Reforming our system to focus on prevention will drive down costs and produce better health outcomes."
"This poll gives hard evidence that Americans know what works," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D–OR). "Prevention and wellness come first."
But true prevention is not the early-detection screenings followed by more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age currently being pushed by allopathic medicine. According to Dr. Abraham Verghese, “If your preventive strategy is medical, if it involves us, if it consists of screening, finding medical conditions early, shaking the bushes for high cholesterols, or abnormal EKGs, markers for prostate cancer such as PSA, then more often than not you don’t save anything and you might generate more medical costs.” He might have added that taking more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age may leave you sicker than you would have been.
True preventive medicine, as practiced by US integrative practitioners, involves advising and counseling the patient to make lifestyle choices that can turn on and turn off genes that predispose us to chronic degenerative disease. True preventive care does not push prescriptions or procedures, and does not generate billions for conventional medicine. It is based on commonsense, science-based lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices that can prevent and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other chronic degenerative disease. And it is a true solution to our nation’s runaway healthcare costs.
Consumers hold the power, guided by their integrative practitioners.
Read the full article here.
Daniel Silver
Dr. Mark Hyman’s Nine-Point Plan for Real Healthcare Reform—What do Americans Think about Prevention July 14, 2009 as posted on American Association for Health Freedom.
The concept of wellness is of course closely allied with the concept of prevention. What do Americans say is their most important healthcare reform priority? Hint: it’s not getting the government to take over healthcare!
A new public opinion poll found that Americans rank prevention as the most important healthcare reform priority. According to Senator Tom Harkin (D–IA), "This survey underscores what I have been saying from the outset: If we pass comprehensive health reform that extends coverage but does nothing to reform our broken system by emphasizing prevention and public health, then we will have failed. And we do not intend to fail. We know that prevention and wellness efforts are a key to reducing costs within a reformed healthcare system. And they will be a centerpiece of the reform effort underway on Capitol Hill."
Other Capitol Hill leaders in the healthcare reform battle agree. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D–MT) added, "This report shows that the American people believe prevention and wellness are the cornerstones of a high-performing healthcare system. And they're right. Today, we spend nearly $800 billion on health problems that are directly linked to lifestyle and poor health habits each year—about one third of our total healthcare spending. Simply put, that's too much. Reforming our system to focus on prevention will drive down costs and produce better health outcomes."
"This poll gives hard evidence that Americans know what works," said Sen. Ron Wyden (D–OR). "Prevention and wellness come first."
But true prevention is not the early-detection screenings followed by more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age currently being pushed by allopathic medicine. According to Dr. Abraham Verghese, “If your preventive strategy is medical, if it involves us, if it consists of screening, finding medical conditions early, shaking the bushes for high cholesterols, or abnormal EKGs, markers for prostate cancer such as PSA, then more often than not you don’t save anything and you might generate more medical costs.” He might have added that taking more and more prescriptions at a younger and younger age may leave you sicker than you would have been.
True preventive medicine, as practiced by US integrative practitioners, involves advising and counseling the patient to make lifestyle choices that can turn on and turn off genes that predispose us to chronic degenerative disease. True preventive care does not push prescriptions or procedures, and does not generate billions for conventional medicine. It is based on commonsense, science-based lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices that can prevent and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other chronic degenerative disease. And it is a true solution to our nation’s runaway healthcare costs.
Consumers hold the power, guided by their integrative practitioners.
Read the full article here.
Daniel Silver
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Helath Care Industry Deception
The whole future of your ability to get good and affordable treatment for your health conditions is at stake. There are major insurance companies right now saying that they are all behind the reforms proposed by the true health care reformers. However they are also investing tons of money in lobbyist and independent promoters to stop any real reform.
This is not a new thing, it has been going on since before Medicare was established in 1964. Some of the false ideas being promoted is that other countries like Canada and Britain programs cause extreme delays and substandard care. These are shown to be wrong in the documentary By Michael Moore called "Sicko". This film has been discredited by the health insurance industry in order to keep we American people scared and confused. One courageous citizen named Donna Smith is out here trying to counteract this deception. She does appear in the movie and works with the California nurses association to promote a single payer system for all of us.
This brief interview is well worth viewing by all of us.
Another source of information about these insurance company tactics to preserve their profits is the past VP of Aetna Insurance, Wendel Potter. He is interview on the Bil Moyers Journal show. See it here as well as how the money and political threats are used to keep us out of a better health insurance system.
Well folks now is the time to find the truth about health care in this country and force our decision makers to do the right thing for us and not play the political game with our lives.
Daniel Silver
This is not a new thing, it has been going on since before Medicare was established in 1964. Some of the false ideas being promoted is that other countries like Canada and Britain programs cause extreme delays and substandard care. These are shown to be wrong in the documentary By Michael Moore called "Sicko". This film has been discredited by the health insurance industry in order to keep we American people scared and confused. One courageous citizen named Donna Smith is out here trying to counteract this deception. She does appear in the movie and works with the California nurses association to promote a single payer system for all of us.
This brief interview is well worth viewing by all of us.
Another source of information about these insurance company tactics to preserve their profits is the past VP of Aetna Insurance, Wendel Potter. He is interview on the Bil Moyers Journal show. See it here as well as how the money and political threats are used to keep us out of a better health insurance system.
Well folks now is the time to find the truth about health care in this country and force our decision makers to do the right thing for us and not play the political game with our lives.
Daniel Silver
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go
(NaturalNews) Recently, a couple of Federal Budget Analysts from Washington, DC wondered about the profits in pharmaceutical drugs and came up with some interesting figures. Turns out that to purchase the active ingredients for many drugs is often pennies, while a hundred dollar plus price tag is passed on to consumers.
Monday, July 06, 2009 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
They found a 100 tablets of 20 mg Prozac runs the consumer about $247.47, while the active ingredients only cost $0.11. Yes, that's right. Eleven cents for all one hundred tablets. It's a 224,973 percent mark-up, a profit margin most business owners dream of - but could never get away with.
Even more profitable, Xanax customers regularly pay $136.79 for a hundred 1 mg tablets, while the active ingredients cost just under three cents. The mark-up is an unbelievable 569,958 percent.
Of course, the active ingredients aren't the only expense in making these chemical concoctions. Drug companies regularly pay more than a million dollars per drug to their regulators, the FDA, in order to put their drug on the market. They are exorbitant fees, which all too often beg the question about any real regulation taking place, when the regulatory agency is funded by those it's supposed to be regulating.
Learn More Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go
Monday, July 06, 2009 by: Kim Evans, citizen journalist
They found a 100 tablets of 20 mg Prozac runs the consumer about $247.47, while the active ingredients only cost $0.11. Yes, that's right. Eleven cents for all one hundred tablets. It's a 224,973 percent mark-up, a profit margin most business owners dream of - but could never get away with.
Even more profitable, Xanax customers regularly pay $136.79 for a hundred 1 mg tablets, while the active ingredients cost just under three cents. The mark-up is an unbelievable 569,958 percent.
Of course, the active ingredients aren't the only expense in making these chemical concoctions. Drug companies regularly pay more than a million dollars per drug to their regulators, the FDA, in order to put their drug on the market. They are exorbitant fees, which all too often beg the question about any real regulation taking place, when the regulatory agency is funded by those it's supposed to be regulating.
Learn More Obscene Drug Profits: Where They Go
Friday, June 26, 2009
Cancer Drug Found to Promote Tumor Growth
(NaturalNews) A new anti-cancer drug actually promotes tumor growth at lower doses, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Cancer and published in Nature Medicine. This means that as the body removes large doses of the drug from its system, leaving behind successively smaller doses, the cancer-promoting characteristics of the drug kick in.
"We've got evidence now that low doses can enhance tumor growth," said lead researcher Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke. "So there is no benefit of giving a high dose, which then drops, and then a high dose again."
The study was conducted on the drug cilengitide, an anti-angiogenesis drug in the same class as the anti-cancer medicines Avastin and Sutent. It is intended to prevent the cells in blood vessels from moving or sticking together, a critical part of the process that allows tumors to develop their own blood vessels (angiogenesis) and thereby support unlimited growth.
The researchers found that when mice were given low doses of cilengitide, a molecule known as VEGFR2 was activated, which stimulated angiogenesis and led to accelerated tumor growth.
Cilengitide has been tested on patients with brain tumors, but has proven effective in only a few cases. Hodivala-Dilke suggested, based on the new findings, that the drug might be more effective if given by an infusion pump that keeps levels in the body continually high.
Avastin is approved for the treatment of colorectal cancer, while Sutent is used for kidney cancer. Both drugs currently extend life by an average of a few months, but have also been known to inexplicably fail. Researchers now suspect that like cilengitide, they might be promoting tumor growth as they break down.
"Sutent and Avastin have proven effective enough for use ... but there is still need to understand why they can sometime fail," said Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK. "It may be that there are similar mechanisms at work."
Get the whole story here.
Daniel Silver
"We've got evidence now that low doses can enhance tumor growth," said lead researcher Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke. "So there is no benefit of giving a high dose, which then drops, and then a high dose again."
The study was conducted on the drug cilengitide, an anti-angiogenesis drug in the same class as the anti-cancer medicines Avastin and Sutent. It is intended to prevent the cells in blood vessels from moving or sticking together, a critical part of the process that allows tumors to develop their own blood vessels (angiogenesis) and thereby support unlimited growth.
The researchers found that when mice were given low doses of cilengitide, a molecule known as VEGFR2 was activated, which stimulated angiogenesis and led to accelerated tumor growth.
Cilengitide has been tested on patients with brain tumors, but has proven effective in only a few cases. Hodivala-Dilke suggested, based on the new findings, that the drug might be more effective if given by an infusion pump that keeps levels in the body continually high.
Avastin is approved for the treatment of colorectal cancer, while Sutent is used for kidney cancer. Both drugs currently extend life by an average of a few months, but have also been known to inexplicably fail. Researchers now suspect that like cilengitide, they might be promoting tumor growth as they break down.
"Sutent and Avastin have proven effective enough for use ... but there is still need to understand why they can sometime fail," said Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK. "It may be that there are similar mechanisms at work."
Get the whole story here.
Daniel Silver
Saturday, June 20, 2009
FDA Threatens to Seize All Natural Products that Dare to Mention H1N1 Swine Flu
Thursday, June 18, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."
"Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."
The message is crystal clear: No product may be described as protecting against or preventing H1N1 infections unless it is approved by the FDA. And which products has the FDA approved? Tamiflu (the anti-viral drug that most people will never have access to), and soon the new H1N1 vaccine that's being manufactured at a cost of one billion dollars (paid to Big Pharma by the taxpayers). This vaccine, of course, will be utterly useless because H1N1 will undoubtedly mutate between now and the time the vaccine is ready, rendering the vaccine useless.
In other words, according to the tyrants at the FDA, the only products that may be marketed alongside the term "H1N1" are those products that either don't work or aren't available to most people. Anything that really works to prevent influenza infections -- such as natural anti-virals, medicinal herbs, etc. -- is banned from even mentioning H1N1 without the threat of being criminally prosecuted.
Note: I reveal the five most powerful natural anti-viral remedies in a free report you can read here:
Such are the operations of our U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- a criminal organization that's working hard to do what every criminal organization does: Eliminate the competition! As the defender of Big Pharma, the FDA is also the destroyer of knowledge that seeks to remove educational statements from the internet. Truth has nothing to do with it -- it is verifiably true that anti-viral herbs, probiotics and other natural products help protect consumers from influenza -- but the FDA cannot allow such statements to remain online for the simple fact that people might become informed. And that, it seems, would be a dangerous precedent.
If people were informed about the healing and protective powers of herbs, they would no longer remain enslaved by the medical establishment. Profits would be lost. Power would evaporate. This is why people can never be allowed to attain any real knowledge about herbs, superfoods or nutritional supplements. And the FDA will threaten people with imprisonment just to make sure they don't dare publish knowledge that the FDA does not want the people to see.
Targeted by the FDA
Who is being attacked and threatened by the FDA? Lots of companies offering highly-effective natural remedies. You can see a list of some of the companies being targeted right here:
Byron Richards' company Wellness Resources, a favorite target of the FDA (no doubt because Richards wrote a book attacking the FDA), is also targeted in this censorship campaign. You can see the FDA's ridiculous complaint against his company here:
Read the full article here.
(NaturalNews) In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."
"Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."
The message is crystal clear: No product may be described as protecting against or preventing H1N1 infections unless it is approved by the FDA. And which products has the FDA approved? Tamiflu (the anti-viral drug that most people will never have access to), and soon the new H1N1 vaccine that's being manufactured at a cost of one billion dollars (paid to Big Pharma by the taxpayers). This vaccine, of course, will be utterly useless because H1N1 will undoubtedly mutate between now and the time the vaccine is ready, rendering the vaccine useless.
In other words, according to the tyrants at the FDA, the only products that may be marketed alongside the term "H1N1" are those products that either don't work or aren't available to most people. Anything that really works to prevent influenza infections -- such as natural anti-virals, medicinal herbs, etc. -- is banned from even mentioning H1N1 without the threat of being criminally prosecuted.
Note: I reveal the five most powerful natural anti-viral remedies in a free report you can read here:
Such are the operations of our U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- a criminal organization that's working hard to do what every criminal organization does: Eliminate the competition! As the defender of Big Pharma, the FDA is also the destroyer of knowledge that seeks to remove educational statements from the internet. Truth has nothing to do with it -- it is verifiably true that anti-viral herbs, probiotics and other natural products help protect consumers from influenza -- but the FDA cannot allow such statements to remain online for the simple fact that people might become informed. And that, it seems, would be a dangerous precedent.
If people were informed about the healing and protective powers of herbs, they would no longer remain enslaved by the medical establishment. Profits would be lost. Power would evaporate. This is why people can never be allowed to attain any real knowledge about herbs, superfoods or nutritional supplements. And the FDA will threaten people with imprisonment just to make sure they don't dare publish knowledge that the FDA does not want the people to see.
Targeted by the FDA
Who is being attacked and threatened by the FDA? Lots of companies offering highly-effective natural remedies. You can see a list of some of the companies being targeted right here:
Byron Richards' company Wellness Resources, a favorite target of the FDA (no doubt because Richards wrote a book attacking the FDA), is also targeted in this censorship campaign. You can see the FDA's ridiculous complaint against his company here:
Read the full article here.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Health Ranger Reveals the Five Most Powerful Anti-Viral Remedies for Influenza and Swine Flu in Free Report
The Naturalnews editor has relaesed a free report to anyone requesting it, concerning natural supports to prevent and limit the effects of these flu viruses.
This is response to the FDA campaign to prevent the nutritional compinies from providing useful information and products to all people.
The article states that:
"Recently, the FDA sent out a wave of intimidating warning letters to nutritional supplement companies, threatening them with seizure of their products and criminal prosecutions if they dare mention H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) in conjunction with their anti-viral products. This censorship campaign is clearly an effort to wipe clean common knowledge about medicinal herbs from the minds of the People, forcing them to be dependent on vaccines, pharmaceuticals and conventional health "authorities" who already admit their vaccines won't work for future mutations of influenza.
To combat the FDA's "information cleansing" campaign, the Health Ranger has gone public with his five top recommended anti-viral remedies. Notably, the Health Ranger has no financial ties to any of the products he recommends in this report. His entire report ( is non-commercial speech protected by the Free Speech provisions of the United States Constitution."
This NaturalNews free report covers:
• Why the FDA, CDC and even the natural products industry doesn't want you to learn this information.
• Why conventional medicines and vaccines will utterly fail in a pandemic.
• The top five anti-viral remedies recommended by the Health Ranger.
• Exact links where you can acquire most of these recommended anti-viral products right now.
• Four additional natural remedies offering powerful anti-viral properties.
• Why the greatest killer in the next big pandemic will be ignorance! (And how to stay alive by staying informed.)
• How health authorities try to dumb down the people, turning them into victims instead of self-reliant citizens.
• The top five things that can kill you during a pandemic (Warning: You may be taking one or more of these things right now...)
• The real reason why plants offer such powerful anti-viral medicine.
Read the full report here.
Daniel Silver
This is response to the FDA campaign to prevent the nutritional compinies from providing useful information and products to all people.
The article states that:
"Recently, the FDA sent out a wave of intimidating warning letters to nutritional supplement companies, threatening them with seizure of their products and criminal prosecutions if they dare mention H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) in conjunction with their anti-viral products. This censorship campaign is clearly an effort to wipe clean common knowledge about medicinal herbs from the minds of the People, forcing them to be dependent on vaccines, pharmaceuticals and conventional health "authorities" who already admit their vaccines won't work for future mutations of influenza.
To combat the FDA's "information cleansing" campaign, the Health Ranger has gone public with his five top recommended anti-viral remedies. Notably, the Health Ranger has no financial ties to any of the products he recommends in this report. His entire report ( is non-commercial speech protected by the Free Speech provisions of the United States Constitution."
This NaturalNews free report covers:
• Why the FDA, CDC and even the natural products industry doesn't want you to learn this information.
• Why conventional medicines and vaccines will utterly fail in a pandemic.
• The top five anti-viral remedies recommended by the Health Ranger.
• Exact links where you can acquire most of these recommended anti-viral products right now.
• Four additional natural remedies offering powerful anti-viral properties.
• Why the greatest killer in the next big pandemic will be ignorance! (And how to stay alive by staying informed.)
• How health authorities try to dumb down the people, turning them into victims instead of self-reliant citizens.
• The top five things that can kill you during a pandemic (Warning: You may be taking one or more of these things right now...)
• The real reason why plants offer such powerful anti-viral medicine.
Read the full report here.
Daniel Silver
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Are we drugging new monters and newborns?
The current emphasis by the drug companies is to help reduce mental illness by screening newborns to college students and new mothers for any symptom. This is just outright immoral and offensive to humanity.
Watch this video and think what is about to become common practice.
PS: We are moving a very wrong direction.
Dan Silver
Watch this video and think what is about to become common practice.
PS: We are moving a very wrong direction.
Dan Silver
Monday, May 11, 2009
N1H1 Virus
Well now that the great pandemic has not materilized, we are being indoctrianted that ii will be back in the fall with a vengence. How much can we believe our federal and world agencies are telling the truth? This seems to be another scare tactic to make us look for exensive preventions and cures.
The reality of it all is that the flu can be prevneted with good hygine, proper diet and adequate rest. Those that are touting the ulimate vaccine and/or vitamin are out there. The easy buck is just too hard to ignore. This is fueled even more by the new report and federal agency warnings that are issued almost daily.
We need to be alert to any disease in these times of international travel and ilncreased immigration form countries that have less control of their health care.
However itiis just not right that a panic has to be created everytime a flu bug appears. Remember that the flu vilrus can change with each individual (human or animal)it infects. We need ot be looking at the everyday habits of our own lifestyle to say ahead of the flu bugs. Eat less junk (fast food), drink more fluids (water), adequate rest and exercise.
Read additional information on the N1H1 virus Baseline of Health Foundation">Jon Barron's Alternative Health Newsletter">here
The reality of it all is that the flu can be prevneted with good hygine, proper diet and adequate rest. Those that are touting the ulimate vaccine and/or vitamin are out there. The easy buck is just too hard to ignore. This is fueled even more by the new report and federal agency warnings that are issued almost daily.
We need to be alert to any disease in these times of international travel and ilncreased immigration form countries that have less control of their health care.
However itiis just not right that a panic has to be created everytime a flu bug appears. Remember that the flu vilrus can change with each individual (human or animal)it infects. We need ot be looking at the everyday habits of our own lifestyle to say ahead of the flu bugs. Eat less junk (fast food), drink more fluids (water), adequate rest and exercise.
Read additional information on the N1H1 virus Baseline of Health Foundation">Jon Barron's Alternative Health Newsletter">here
Monday, May 4, 2009
Shattered Illusions
Monday, May 04, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Quaker Oats was started by Quakers
Ummm, not really. In fact, the company has nothing to do with Quakers. It was started in Pennsulvania in 1901 when there were lots of Quakers around, mostly due to the fact that Quakers were known as being honest.
But Quaker Oats isn't exactly honest. Today, it's actually owned by PepsiCo, and in the 1950s, Quaker Oats, Harvard University and MIT researchers conducted experiments on human children using radioactive elements to trace the flow of nutrients through their bodies. The children were invited to be part of a "special science club," but they weren't told they were being fed Quaker Oats laced with radioactive substances. Side effects of radioactive exposure include skin cell mutations and skin cancer.
When parents found out about the experiments, they sued, and Quaker Oats was eventually forced to pay out $1.85 million, but the case wasn't settled until decades later -- 1997, actually. It's all detailed in the book The State Boy's Rebellion by Michael D'Antonio. (
MIT news:
(Note how arrogant this MIT news story is, implying it was okay to experiment on the children because the levels of radioactivity were so low.)
For other shateret illusions go here
Quaker Oats was started by Quakers
Ummm, not really. In fact, the company has nothing to do with Quakers. It was started in Pennsulvania in 1901 when there were lots of Quakers around, mostly due to the fact that Quakers were known as being honest.
But Quaker Oats isn't exactly honest. Today, it's actually owned by PepsiCo, and in the 1950s, Quaker Oats, Harvard University and MIT researchers conducted experiments on human children using radioactive elements to trace the flow of nutrients through their bodies. The children were invited to be part of a "special science club," but they weren't told they were being fed Quaker Oats laced with radioactive substances. Side effects of radioactive exposure include skin cell mutations and skin cancer.
When parents found out about the experiments, they sued, and Quaker Oats was eventually forced to pay out $1.85 million, but the case wasn't settled until decades later -- 1997, actually. It's all detailed in the book The State Boy's Rebellion by Michael D'Antonio. (
MIT news:
(Note how arrogant this MIT news story is, implying it was okay to experiment on the children because the levels of radioactivity were so low.)
For other shateret illusions go here
Friday, May 1, 2009
Big Pharma "polypill" could be five problems in one
These excerpts are from the newsletter of William B Ferril M.D. At Health
They show the extent and misrepresentation of the big drug companies today. the testing of this pill is done in India with very little oversight.
"A five-way "polypill" combining the most common heart meds in one tablet has been a Big Pharma fantasy for years -- and it's now moving closer to reality. And while the media is singing its praises, no one seems to be talking about how the research is being done with drug company money in a far-off country."
"But that's a minor matter for most members of the media. Their coverage has so far been little more than a press release for a drug that's largely untested, unproven, and unnecessary."
"An Associated Press report even noted with great joy that the drug's side effects were roughly the same as the side effects one might experience when taking all five drugs separately, as if that was some great achievement. (emphasis is mine) After all, each one of those drugs offers its own laundry list of side effects."
Dan Silver
They show the extent and misrepresentation of the big drug companies today. the testing of this pill is done in India with very little oversight.
"A five-way "polypill" combining the most common heart meds in one tablet has been a Big Pharma fantasy for years -- and it's now moving closer to reality. And while the media is singing its praises, no one seems to be talking about how the research is being done with drug company money in a far-off country."
"But that's a minor matter for most members of the media. Their coverage has so far been little more than a press release for a drug that's largely untested, unproven, and unnecessary."
"An Associated Press report even noted with great joy that the drug's side effects were roughly the same as the side effects one might experience when taking all five drugs separately, as if that was some great achievement. (emphasis is mine) After all, each one of those drugs offers its own laundry list of side effects."
Dan Silver
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hydration is Vital for Optimum Health
Sunday, April 26, 2009 by: Sheryl Walters, citizen journalist
(NaturalNews) The human body is made up primarily of water. In fact, approximately 75 percent of your body is water and 25 percent is solid matter. Water is essential for absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, cellular activity and all of the actions necessary for life. Drinking enough water is vital for preventing disease and enjoying a sense of wellbeing.
Without water, our bodies are unable to remove environmental toxins that most of us are exposed to daily. Generally speaking, people who suffer from chronic diseases are seriously dehydrated since the skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart and brain rely on proper water intake. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer`s, and many other diseases are often preceded by many years of not enough water. Many illnesses could be significantly improved by simply giving the body sufficient amounts of water so that toxins and waste can be removed.
When dehydrated, the body is seriously stressed, just as it would be if you were in a drought. This creates a fight or flight situation, meaning that stress chemicals are released to deal with the situation. When these chemicals are continually released over long periods of time, chronic disease is inevitable.
Unfortunately in modern society, most people reach for black tea, coffee, soda and alcohol instead of pure water when thirsty. While these beverages contain water, they are actually dehydrating. When these are consumed, the body requires even more water. Over consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, e-numbers and other chemicals are stressful for the body, leading to suboptimal health. It is ironic that in our society where we have access to so much, most people`s bodies are functioning as if there is a famine due to lack of water as well as lack of nutrients from healthy food.
Dehydrating drinks create a strong diuretic effect, which means that the kidneys are overworked. They create imbalances in blood sugar levels, which can lead to tiredness and even diabetes, although they seem to boost energy levels in the short term. Chemicals and sugar can even lead to Attention Deficit Disorder, foggy brain and unclear thinking. Large quantities of water are needed to process these drinks.
Instead of addressing the underlying problem of dehydration, most people turn to pharmaceutical drugs to deal with their ill health. Pain killers and medications compound the problem since they also contain chemicals that the body has to deal with, leading to even more dehydration and potentially health compromising side effects. By simply giving your body the important nutrient of water, you are preventing disease with very little effort.
Just because you don`t feel thirsty, does not mean that you are not in severe need of water. This is because when the body believes that there is not enough water, it will turn off its thirst reaction. But don`t be fooled, when there is not enough water and the thirst signal is turned off, the body is in emergency mode. You may begin to hold on to water in your legs, feet, arms and face. There may be a decrease in urination, keeping the body from excreting potentially harmful waste. You may notice that if you drink plenty of water for several weeks, your thirst signal returns and communicates your need for this vital nutrient once again.
A common excuse for not drinking more water is fear of having to go to the toilet too often. When the body is severely dehydrated for a long period of time, it loses its ability to use the water efficiently. Therefore, it will simply get rid of the water because it does not know what to do with it. After some time, it will become balanced and the constant need to urinate will disappear.
See the rest of the story HERE
(NaturalNews) The human body is made up primarily of water. In fact, approximately 75 percent of your body is water and 25 percent is solid matter. Water is essential for absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, cellular activity and all of the actions necessary for life. Drinking enough water is vital for preventing disease and enjoying a sense of wellbeing.
Without water, our bodies are unable to remove environmental toxins that most of us are exposed to daily. Generally speaking, people who suffer from chronic diseases are seriously dehydrated since the skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart and brain rely on proper water intake. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer`s, and many other diseases are often preceded by many years of not enough water. Many illnesses could be significantly improved by simply giving the body sufficient amounts of water so that toxins and waste can be removed.
When dehydrated, the body is seriously stressed, just as it would be if you were in a drought. This creates a fight or flight situation, meaning that stress chemicals are released to deal with the situation. When these chemicals are continually released over long periods of time, chronic disease is inevitable.
Unfortunately in modern society, most people reach for black tea, coffee, soda and alcohol instead of pure water when thirsty. While these beverages contain water, they are actually dehydrating. When these are consumed, the body requires even more water. Over consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, e-numbers and other chemicals are stressful for the body, leading to suboptimal health. It is ironic that in our society where we have access to so much, most people`s bodies are functioning as if there is a famine due to lack of water as well as lack of nutrients from healthy food.
Dehydrating drinks create a strong diuretic effect, which means that the kidneys are overworked. They create imbalances in blood sugar levels, which can lead to tiredness and even diabetes, although they seem to boost energy levels in the short term. Chemicals and sugar can even lead to Attention Deficit Disorder, foggy brain and unclear thinking. Large quantities of water are needed to process these drinks.
Instead of addressing the underlying problem of dehydration, most people turn to pharmaceutical drugs to deal with their ill health. Pain killers and medications compound the problem since they also contain chemicals that the body has to deal with, leading to even more dehydration and potentially health compromising side effects. By simply giving your body the important nutrient of water, you are preventing disease with very little effort.
Just because you don`t feel thirsty, does not mean that you are not in severe need of water. This is because when the body believes that there is not enough water, it will turn off its thirst reaction. But don`t be fooled, when there is not enough water and the thirst signal is turned off, the body is in emergency mode. You may begin to hold on to water in your legs, feet, arms and face. There may be a decrease in urination, keeping the body from excreting potentially harmful waste. You may notice that if you drink plenty of water for several weeks, your thirst signal returns and communicates your need for this vital nutrient once again.
A common excuse for not drinking more water is fear of having to go to the toilet too often. When the body is severely dehydrated for a long period of time, it loses its ability to use the water efficiently. Therefore, it will simply get rid of the water because it does not know what to do with it. After some time, it will become balanced and the constant need to urinate will disappear.
See the rest of the story HERE
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Mother's Act - Mandatory Screening of Moms for Depression is Like a Bad Movie Rerun
Monday, April 20, 2009 by: Evelyn Pringle, health freedom writer
(NaturalNews) The promotion of the Mother's Act is like a rewind of a bad movie dating back to the 1960's when rock stars were singing songs about "mother's little helpers."
Women fought for years to gain acceptance of the fact that many female health problems were real and not symptoms of hypochondria. The psycho-pharmaceutical cartel's profit-driven invention of an epidemic of pregnancy-related mental disorders will wipe out a century of work toward that acceptance.
Sadly, the end result of this latest marketing scheme will be that the relatively few women who truly do suffer from postpartum depression will not be taken seriously.
The Mother's Act legislation has already passed in the US House of Representatives. A majority vote in the Senate would represent a major coup for a multibillion dollar industry.
"Like many of the acts of Congress, the real beneficiary will not be the mothers and their children but the "mental health" workers who will be handsomely paid and the drug companies that are behind this legislation," says Steve Hayes, the director of he Novus Medical Detox Center, in the center's July 31, 2008 newsletter.
"The drug store chains will expand more because more people will be hooked on these dangerous drugs," he points out.
"Doctor's offices will be more crowded because we know that these dangerous drugs often lead to serious health side effects that will require medical treatment," he writes.
The advocacy groups battling against passage of the Mother's Act are nearly equal in number to the Act's supporters, and include Unite for Life, AbleChild, the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology; Alliance for Human Research Protection; International Coalition For Drug Awareness; Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, Mindfreedom International, and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Same old song and dance
The Mother's Act technique has been used again and again in this country. A new sub-group of people is identified as not receiving enough treatment for mental disorders and the drug makers funnel money to front groups to fund the disease marketing campaign and set up screening programs.
The internet is now flooded with reports about the rise in pregnancy related disorders and the places to find treatment. Websites with names like "Postpartum Progress" and "PerinatalPro," provide links to programs that claim women need screening for postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders.
However, nowhere to be found, are reports about the sub-groups targeted in the past and all the depressed and anxious patients who became mentally healthy as a result of being screened and treated.
Dr David Cohen, a professor of Social Work at Florida International University and co-author with Dr Peter Breggin of the book, "Your Drug May Be Your Problem," gave a keynote address titled, "Needed: Critical Thinking About Psychiatric Medications," at the International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, in Quebec City, Canada in May 2004, and noted the following:
"For the past 50 years, physicians in the West have been prescribing
psychotropic drugs systematically to hundreds of millions of people to alter undesirable and disruptive emotions and behavior."
"For the treatment of every single psychological affliction in men and women, in all ethnic groups, from the toddler to the aged, taking psychotropic drugs is now the cornerstone remedy, all other efforts secondary."
"Despite the reliance on psychopharmaceuticals, however, not even modest improvements in the incidence, prevalence, relapse rate, duration, or long-term outcome of any condition routinely treated today with psychotropics, such as depression and schizophrenia, can be discerned."
The full report cn be found here
(NaturalNews) The promotion of the Mother's Act is like a rewind of a bad movie dating back to the 1960's when rock stars were singing songs about "mother's little helpers."
Women fought for years to gain acceptance of the fact that many female health problems were real and not symptoms of hypochondria. The psycho-pharmaceutical cartel's profit-driven invention of an epidemic of pregnancy-related mental disorders will wipe out a century of work toward that acceptance.
Sadly, the end result of this latest marketing scheme will be that the relatively few women who truly do suffer from postpartum depression will not be taken seriously.
The Mother's Act legislation has already passed in the US House of Representatives. A majority vote in the Senate would represent a major coup for a multibillion dollar industry.
"Like many of the acts of Congress, the real beneficiary will not be the mothers and their children but the "mental health" workers who will be handsomely paid and the drug companies that are behind this legislation," says Steve Hayes, the director of he Novus Medical Detox Center, in the center's July 31, 2008 newsletter.
"The drug store chains will expand more because more people will be hooked on these dangerous drugs," he points out.
"Doctor's offices will be more crowded because we know that these dangerous drugs often lead to serious health side effects that will require medical treatment," he writes.
The advocacy groups battling against passage of the Mother's Act are nearly equal in number to the Act's supporters, and include Unite for Life, AbleChild, the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology; Alliance for Human Research Protection; International Coalition For Drug Awareness; Law Project for Psychiatric Rights, Mindfreedom International, and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
Same old song and dance
The Mother's Act technique has been used again and again in this country. A new sub-group of people is identified as not receiving enough treatment for mental disorders and the drug makers funnel money to front groups to fund the disease marketing campaign and set up screening programs.
The internet is now flooded with reports about the rise in pregnancy related disorders and the places to find treatment. Websites with names like "Postpartum Progress" and "PerinatalPro," provide links to programs that claim women need screening for postpartum depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and eating disorders.
However, nowhere to be found, are reports about the sub-groups targeted in the past and all the depressed and anxious patients who became mentally healthy as a result of being screened and treated.
Dr David Cohen, a professor of Social Work at Florida International University and co-author with Dr Peter Breggin of the book, "Your Drug May Be Your Problem," gave a keynote address titled, "Needed: Critical Thinking About Psychiatric Medications," at the International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, in Quebec City, Canada in May 2004, and noted the following:
"For the past 50 years, physicians in the West have been prescribing
psychotropic drugs systematically to hundreds of millions of people to alter undesirable and disruptive emotions and behavior."
"For the treatment of every single psychological affliction in men and women, in all ethnic groups, from the toddler to the aged, taking psychotropic drugs is now the cornerstone remedy, all other efforts secondary."
"Despite the reliance on psychopharmaceuticals, however, not even modest improvements in the incidence, prevalence, relapse rate, duration, or long-term outcome of any condition routinely treated today with psychotropics, such as depression and schizophrenia, can be discerned."
The full report cn be found here
Monday, March 30, 2009
Department of Health and Human Services Approves Fictitious Medical Device Review Board Led by a Dead Dog
Monday, March 30, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Just how trustworthy are medical review boards that review and approve medical devices? In a Government Accountability Office (GAO) sting, investigators were able to invent and register a fictitious review board with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), complete with a fictitious panel of doctors and a canine president named "Truper Dawg" (named after a real pet dog that had long since passed away).
Names of other board members on the fictitious organization approved by the Department of Health and Human Services included "April Phuls" and "Timothy Wittless." These names apparently did not raise any suspicions at the HHS. (Perhaps the U.S. government thought the review board was being run by a group of badly-named rappers?)...
Read all of this here
Reviewed by
Daniel Silver
(NaturalNews) Just how trustworthy are medical review boards that review and approve medical devices? In a Government Accountability Office (GAO) sting, investigators were able to invent and register a fictitious review board with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), complete with a fictitious panel of doctors and a canine president named "Truper Dawg" (named after a real pet dog that had long since passed away).
Names of other board members on the fictitious organization approved by the Department of Health and Human Services included "April Phuls" and "Timothy Wittless." These names apparently did not raise any suspicions at the HHS. (Perhaps the U.S. government thought the review board was being run by a group of badly-named rappers?)...
Read all of this here
Reviewed by
Daniel Silver
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Adderall: Deadly Drug Treats Bogus Disease
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 by: Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
(NaturalNews) The drug Adderall is linked with heart attack and sudden death in children and young adults according to a newly released study at the New York Medical College of Family Medicine. This drug is commonly prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a phony disease that has been diagnosed in 15 percent of school-aged children. Although incidence of heart attack and sudden death is greater in children who take Adderall on a regular basis, it has also been associated with one-time users.
Clinical trials to establish the long term effectiveness of Adderall have not been conducted. There are no controlled studies involving children on Adderall for longer than three weeks, or involving teens and adults for longer than four weeks.
Twenty year old suffers heart attack after isolated use of Adderall
The study, published in the March-April edition of the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, reports the case of a twenty year college freshman who had been diagnosed with ADHD two years earlier and prescribed 15 mg Adderall XR to be taken daily. He had not taken the drug on any regular basis and had not taken it at all for weeks before his cardiac event. He had been staying up late studying every night and drinking a relatively small amount of alcohol before going to bed. The night before his admission to the hospital, instead of going to bed, he had taken two Adderall (30 mg) to keep himself awake to study for an exam. Later that afternoon, he developed chest pain and pressure which stayed with him and necessitated his parents taking him to an emergency room 24 hours later.
The young man's history was unremarkable except for the diagnosis of ADHD. There was no family history of cardiovascular diseases. He was not a frequent user of illicit drugs and drank alcohol only occasionally. He had no known drug allergy and took no other medications in addition to his infrequent use of Adderall. The final diagnosis was myocardial infarction secondary to amphetamine-induced coronary vasospasm. He was discharged after five days and told to avoid any drug containing amphetamine.
This is an excerpt. Please read the full article here
(NaturalNews) The drug Adderall is linked with heart attack and sudden death in children and young adults according to a newly released study at the New York Medical College of Family Medicine. This drug is commonly prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a phony disease that has been diagnosed in 15 percent of school-aged children. Although incidence of heart attack and sudden death is greater in children who take Adderall on a regular basis, it has also been associated with one-time users.
Clinical trials to establish the long term effectiveness of Adderall have not been conducted. There are no controlled studies involving children on Adderall for longer than three weeks, or involving teens and adults for longer than four weeks.
Twenty year old suffers heart attack after isolated use of Adderall
The study, published in the March-April edition of the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, reports the case of a twenty year college freshman who had been diagnosed with ADHD two years earlier and prescribed 15 mg Adderall XR to be taken daily. He had not taken the drug on any regular basis and had not taken it at all for weeks before his cardiac event. He had been staying up late studying every night and drinking a relatively small amount of alcohol before going to bed. The night before his admission to the hospital, instead of going to bed, he had taken two Adderall (30 mg) to keep himself awake to study for an exam. Later that afternoon, he developed chest pain and pressure which stayed with him and necessitated his parents taking him to an emergency room 24 hours later.
The young man's history was unremarkable except for the diagnosis of ADHD. There was no family history of cardiovascular diseases. He was not a frequent user of illicit drugs and drank alcohol only occasionally. He had no known drug allergy and took no other medications in addition to his infrequent use of Adderall. The final diagnosis was myocardial infarction secondary to amphetamine-induced coronary vasospasm. He was discharged after five days and told to avoid any drug containing amphetamine.
This is an excerpt. Please read the full article here
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Garlic Boosts Overall Antioxidant Levels and Blocks Cancer
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 by: Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
NaturalNews) Garlic is probably nature's most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab. Several new studies have documented its ability to promote heart and cardiovascular health, prevent and treat cancer, and create a healthy lipid profile. Others have shown garlic prevents platelet aggregation and reduces high blood pressure. Garlic has strong anti-inflammatory properties. One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body.
Garlic decreased serum glucose and blood pressure while increasing antioxidants
The chain of events leading to vascular disease in people with diabetes and high blood pressure is characterized by free radical damage. Scientists at the University of Kuwait were interested in finding out whether garlic could reduce free radical damage. They measured total serum antioxidants in diabetic and hypertensive rats before and after treatment with garlic. An analogue of vitamin E, glutathione, and vitamin C were measured, and measurement was verified with reliability and reproducibility coefficients.
Find the full article here
NaturalNews) Garlic is probably nature's most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab. Several new studies have documented its ability to promote heart and cardiovascular health, prevent and treat cancer, and create a healthy lipid profile. Others have shown garlic prevents platelet aggregation and reduces high blood pressure. Garlic has strong anti-inflammatory properties. One of the most interesting of the recent findings is that garlic increases the overall antioxidant levels of the body.
Garlic decreased serum glucose and blood pressure while increasing antioxidants
The chain of events leading to vascular disease in people with diabetes and high blood pressure is characterized by free radical damage. Scientists at the University of Kuwait were interested in finding out whether garlic could reduce free radical damage. They measured total serum antioxidants in diabetic and hypertensive rats before and after treatment with garlic. An analogue of vitamin E, glutathione, and vitamin C were measured, and measurement was verified with reliability and reproducibility coefficients.
Find the full article here
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Big Pharma's statin monster looking to grow
Our old friends at Big Pharma are at it again – trying to get more people to take a drug they don't need, for something it wasn't even made for.
Millions of Americans are already taking statins to help manage their cholesterol. The drugs are already unnecessary for most people, because cholesterol can be controlled through your diet. It's that simple, and I can show you how.
But that's beside the point for now, because the newest plan to get even more people on statins has nothing to do with cholesterol management.
Now, Big Pharma wants you to take them for a completely different purpose altogether.
They're pointing to a new study, called JUPITER, which shows that statins can help lower levels of C-Reactive Protein, or CRP, in people with normal LDL cholesterol.
High levels of CRP could be one indicator of inflammation in the arteries, which could lead to heart attacks.
The problem is, no one can tell you just how reliable CRP levels are as an indicator of heart disease risk, because no one knows for sure.
But they want you to take those statins anyway. They have their eyes on one number right now, and it has nothing to do with LDL or CRP levels. That number is 11 million – the estimated number of new patients who could start taking statins for their CRP levels.
Statins are the industry's favorite kind of drug. They don't heal or cure, and they don't treat the underlying causes. They simply "manage" the condition. In this case, "manage" is a codeword for a drug that you need to keep on taking if you want to keep getting the benefit.
The result: A drug people need to take forever. You can't even imagine how happy that makes some people who wear very expensive suits.
Here's one other truth about statins that Big Pharma can't hide: Patients without a history of heart disease don't live a single second longer when they take statins to control their cholesterol. This has been confirmed in study after study after study.
It's just one more case of the wrong drug, for the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons.
Be well,
Dr. William B. Ferril
House Calls
A free newsletter with more of this kind of information will be found here.
Millions of Americans are already taking statins to help manage their cholesterol. The drugs are already unnecessary for most people, because cholesterol can be controlled through your diet. It's that simple, and I can show you how.
But that's beside the point for now, because the newest plan to get even more people on statins has nothing to do with cholesterol management.
Now, Big Pharma wants you to take them for a completely different purpose altogether.
They're pointing to a new study, called JUPITER, which shows that statins can help lower levels of C-Reactive Protein, or CRP, in people with normal LDL cholesterol.
High levels of CRP could be one indicator of inflammation in the arteries, which could lead to heart attacks.
The problem is, no one can tell you just how reliable CRP levels are as an indicator of heart disease risk, because no one knows for sure.
But they want you to take those statins anyway. They have their eyes on one number right now, and it has nothing to do with LDL or CRP levels. That number is 11 million – the estimated number of new patients who could start taking statins for their CRP levels.
Statins are the industry's favorite kind of drug. They don't heal or cure, and they don't treat the underlying causes. They simply "manage" the condition. In this case, "manage" is a codeword for a drug that you need to keep on taking if you want to keep getting the benefit.
The result: A drug people need to take forever. You can't even imagine how happy that makes some people who wear very expensive suits.
Here's one other truth about statins that Big Pharma can't hide: Patients without a history of heart disease don't live a single second longer when they take statins to control their cholesterol. This has been confirmed in study after study after study.
It's just one more case of the wrong drug, for the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons.
Be well,
Dr. William B. Ferril
House Calls
A free newsletter with more of this kind of information will be found here.
artery disease,
Big Pharma,
heart attack,
heart disesd,
statin drugs
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Surprise Supreme Court Decision Ends Big Pharma's Pre-Emption Bid for Legal Immunity
Thursday, March 05, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharma. The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while providing full legal immunity to drug companies, even when those companies actively lied about the safety of their drugs by hiding negative drug studies from the public and the FDA.
The decision has hit Big Pharma hard. The industry, already reeling from layoffs and a loss of innovation, is now facing a wave of lawsuits from potentially hundreds of thousands of people who have been harmed by dangerous prescription medications. The legal path for such lawsuits has now been cleared, and drug companies can no longer claim legal immunity just because they managed to deceive the FDA into declaring their dangerous chemicals were "approved."
Read the rest of the story here
(NaturalNews) In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against Wyeth in the Diana Levine case, setting a crucial precedent in the battle against Big Pharma. The ruling ends an important part of the Big Pharma / FDA conspiracy racket that sought to market extremely dangerous (and even deadly) drugs while providing full legal immunity to drug companies, even when those companies actively lied about the safety of their drugs by hiding negative drug studies from the public and the FDA.
The decision has hit Big Pharma hard. The industry, already reeling from layoffs and a loss of innovation, is now facing a wave of lawsuits from potentially hundreds of thousands of people who have been harmed by dangerous prescription medications. The legal path for such lawsuits has now been cleared, and drug companies can no longer claim legal immunity just because they managed to deceive the FDA into declaring their dangerous chemicals were "approved."
Read the rest of the story here
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Want assurances from your pediatrician about vaccines
Here’s a form designed by Ken Anderson you can give them to fill out -- although there is no physician anywhere on earth who will sign it.
PLEASE NOTE: In addition to the form below, there is a web site VacLib.Org that has compiled information on Vaccine Exemption Forms and Information
Here are Links to Their Information
[AK] [AL] [AR] [AZ] [Australia] [Canada] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DC] [DE] [FL] [GA] [GUAM] [HI] [IA] [ID] [IL] [IN] [KS] [KY] [LA] [Maine] [MD] [Mass] [MI] [MN] [MO] [MS] [MT] [NC] [ND] [NE] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NV] [NY] [New Zealand] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PA] [PUERTO_RICO] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VA] [VT] [WA] [WI] [WV] [WY]
Physician"s Warranty of Vaccine Safety
I (Physician"s name, degree)_________________________, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of ________________. My State license number is _______________ , and my DEA number is _______________. My medical specialty is ________________________
I have a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of all the medications that I prescribe for or administer to my patients. In the case of (Patient"s name) ___________________________ , age _________ , whom I have examined, I find that certain risk factors exist that justify the recommended vaccinations. The following is a list of said risk factors and the vaccinations that will protect against them:
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Get the full form and more details here
Daniel Silver
PLEASE NOTE: In addition to the form below, there is a web site VacLib.Org that has compiled information on Vaccine Exemption Forms and Information
Here are Links to Their Information
[AK] [AL] [AR] [AZ] [Australia] [Canada] [CA] [CO] [CT] [DC] [DE] [FL] [GA] [GUAM] [HI] [IA] [ID] [IL] [IN] [KS] [KY] [LA] [Maine] [MD] [Mass] [MI] [MN] [MO] [MS] [MT] [NC] [ND] [NE] [NH] [NJ] [NM] [NV] [NY] [New Zealand] [OH] [OK] [OR] [PA] [PUERTO_RICO] [RI] [SC] [SD] [TN] [TX] [UT] [VA] [VT] [WA] [WI] [WV] [WY]
Physician"s Warranty of Vaccine Safety
I (Physician"s name, degree)_________________________, _____ am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of ________________. My State license number is _______________ , and my DEA number is _______________. My medical specialty is ________________________
I have a thorough understanding of the risks and benefits of all the medications that I prescribe for or administer to my patients. In the case of (Patient"s name) ___________________________ , age _________ , whom I have examined, I find that certain risk factors exist that justify the recommended vaccinations. The following is a list of said risk factors and the vaccinations that will protect against them:
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Risk Factor ____________________________________________
Vaccination ___________________________________________
Get the full form and more details here
Daniel Silver
protection forms,
state vaccination laws,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Caffeine and Pregnancy: How much is too much
Caffeine and Pregnancy: How much is too much
One of the first things most of us women prepare to say goodbye to once we see those two pink lines on our pregnancy tests is caffeine. Many women will stop their caffeine habit cold turkey out of the sheer fear of doing some sort of damage to the new life growing inside of them. These women will swear off anything that has caffeine in it from coffee, and soda to even chocolate. Then there are some of us who will still drink caffeine but cut back. Instead of drinking five cups of coffee a day, we might cut back to at least one cup of coffee to get us through the day.
Our mothers and grandmothers will probably tell us that they drank the same amount of caffeine pregnant as they did when they were not pregnant and their children turned out fine. However a lot more research has been done since their time and studies are showing that too much caffeine can cause some complications such as preterm labor and/or low birth weight.
So how much caffeine is too much caffeine? Doctors are telling their patients that a moderate amount of caffeine will not harm their babies. Even though caffeine does cross the placenta, anything less than 300 milligrams a day (an 8 ounce cup of strong coffee) will not do any harm. Anything over 300 milligrams puts your baby at risk and studies have also shown that women who drink more than 300 milligrams of caffeine a day during their first trimester have a slightly higher risk of a miscarriage.
Studies have also shown that women who had over 500 milligrams of caffeine a day had babies who had faster heart rates and faster breathing rates. These babies also spent more time awake in their first few days of life rather than peacefully sleeping after their long journey.
There are a number of other reasons why we women might want to cut back on the amount of caffeine we drink during pregnancy. For starters, it has no nutritional value. If there is ever a time for us to be aware of our nutritional needs it is when we are pregnant. Second, caffeine is a stimulant which will increase your heart rate and can cause insomnia and headaches which can put some stress on your growing little one. Third, caffeine can cause heartburn. If you have been pregnant before you know that heartburn can be a burden to begin with, and caffeine just makes it worse. Lastly it is a diuretic which means it can cause you to lose fluids which can put you at a risk of becoming dehydrated.
While it is not necessary for you to give up all caffeine through out the duration of your pregnancy, you should learn how to drink it in moderation or don't drink it at all. If you can not handle having only one cup of coffee a day, then you might be better off drinking no coffee at all. Stick with caffeine free sodas and even decaf coffee. Remember though that decaf coffee still contains small traces of caffeine so make sure you take that into consideration.
Daniel Silver
One of the first things most of us women prepare to say goodbye to once we see those two pink lines on our pregnancy tests is caffeine. Many women will stop their caffeine habit cold turkey out of the sheer fear of doing some sort of damage to the new life growing inside of them. These women will swear off anything that has caffeine in it from coffee, and soda to even chocolate. Then there are some of us who will still drink caffeine but cut back. Instead of drinking five cups of coffee a day, we might cut back to at least one cup of coffee to get us through the day.
Our mothers and grandmothers will probably tell us that they drank the same amount of caffeine pregnant as they did when they were not pregnant and their children turned out fine. However a lot more research has been done since their time and studies are showing that too much caffeine can cause some complications such as preterm labor and/or low birth weight.
So how much caffeine is too much caffeine? Doctors are telling their patients that a moderate amount of caffeine will not harm their babies. Even though caffeine does cross the placenta, anything less than 300 milligrams a day (an 8 ounce cup of strong coffee) will not do any harm. Anything over 300 milligrams puts your baby at risk and studies have also shown that women who drink more than 300 milligrams of caffeine a day during their first trimester have a slightly higher risk of a miscarriage.
Studies have also shown that women who had over 500 milligrams of caffeine a day had babies who had faster heart rates and faster breathing rates. These babies also spent more time awake in their first few days of life rather than peacefully sleeping after their long journey.
There are a number of other reasons why we women might want to cut back on the amount of caffeine we drink during pregnancy. For starters, it has no nutritional value. If there is ever a time for us to be aware of our nutritional needs it is when we are pregnant. Second, caffeine is a stimulant which will increase your heart rate and can cause insomnia and headaches which can put some stress on your growing little one. Third, caffeine can cause heartburn. If you have been pregnant before you know that heartburn can be a burden to begin with, and caffeine just makes it worse. Lastly it is a diuretic which means it can cause you to lose fluids which can put you at a risk of becoming dehydrated.
While it is not necessary for you to give up all caffeine through out the duration of your pregnancy, you should learn how to drink it in moderation or don't drink it at all. If you can not handle having only one cup of coffee a day, then you might be better off drinking no coffee at all. Stick with caffeine free sodas and even decaf coffee. Remember though that decaf coffee still contains small traces of caffeine so make sure you take that into consideration.
Daniel Silver
Monday, February 16, 2009
Doctors ignoring drug interaction alerts when writing prescriptions
This article appears at House Calls by Dr Alan Inglis M.D. on February 16, 2009.
There's been plenty of blame to go around as drug interactions have become a leading cause of death in the United States. We can blame Big Pharma, for cooking up these deadly cocktails that unleash havoc in our systems.
We can blame the FDA, for showing no interest in how drugs will interact before bodies start piling up.
But it turns out that arrogant doctors may deserve a good chunk of the blame for unleashing illnesses and deaths related to drug interactions.
According to a new study, doctors are ignoring electronic drug interaction alerts up to 90 percent of the time!
Researchers looked at electronic prescriptions written by more than 2,800 doctors in three states. The electronic prescription software worked as it should, displaying alerts when doctors were about to write a prescription that could cause a potentially dangerous interaction or trigger an allergic reaction.
Doctors ignored 77 percent of the allergy alerts and 90 percent of the drug interaction alerts. Why? They decided to rely on their own judgment instead – in fact, they even seemed annoyed by the alerts.
If this isn't the height of arrogance, I don't know what is. This system wasn't built to inconvenience doctors – it was built to save lives! And many docs, with their rushed, seven-minute appointments, just can't be bothered.
Researchers said part of the problem was that too many alerts were being generated, and docs just stopped paying attention. The fact that so many alerts are generated is the real smoking gun here. There are literally countless ways that prescription drugs can do serious damage in your system.
You've heard me say it before - your real health problems often begin the minute you accept that first prescription. And once you take a second, you're playing Russian roulette.
Before you accept any prescription, make sure your doctor fully informs you of the risks and potential interactions. We all want to assume that doctors are performing their due diligence – but this research paints a bleak picture we can't ignore.
Comment: It is sad that such educated and dedicated men and woman are not following the readily available information to prevent the mistreatment of their patients.
Dan Silver on February 16, 2009.
There's been plenty of blame to go around as drug interactions have become a leading cause of death in the United States. We can blame Big Pharma, for cooking up these deadly cocktails that unleash havoc in our systems.
We can blame the FDA, for showing no interest in how drugs will interact before bodies start piling up.
But it turns out that arrogant doctors may deserve a good chunk of the blame for unleashing illnesses and deaths related to drug interactions.
According to a new study, doctors are ignoring electronic drug interaction alerts up to 90 percent of the time!
Researchers looked at electronic prescriptions written by more than 2,800 doctors in three states. The electronic prescription software worked as it should, displaying alerts when doctors were about to write a prescription that could cause a potentially dangerous interaction or trigger an allergic reaction.
Doctors ignored 77 percent of the allergy alerts and 90 percent of the drug interaction alerts. Why? They decided to rely on their own judgment instead – in fact, they even seemed annoyed by the alerts.
If this isn't the height of arrogance, I don't know what is. This system wasn't built to inconvenience doctors – it was built to save lives! And many docs, with their rushed, seven-minute appointments, just can't be bothered.
Researchers said part of the problem was that too many alerts were being generated, and docs just stopped paying attention. The fact that so many alerts are generated is the real smoking gun here. There are literally countless ways that prescription drugs can do serious damage in your system.
You've heard me say it before - your real health problems often begin the minute you accept that first prescription. And once you take a second, you're playing Russian roulette.
Before you accept any prescription, make sure your doctor fully informs you of the risks and potential interactions. We all want to assume that doctors are performing their due diligence – but this research paints a bleak picture we can't ignore.
Comment: It is sad that such educated and dedicated men and woman are not following the readily available information to prevent the mistreatment of their patients.
Dan Silver
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Multivitamins for Woman - Flawed Study
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims that multivitamins are useless at preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease in women. The mainstream media has predictably picked up on this story, gleefully running it as "proof" that nutrition is worthless and only pharmaceuticals can enhance your health.
What they're not telling you, though, might shock you. Here's the truth about this so-called "scientific" study on multivitamins:
• No multivitamins were even used in the study! The women followed in this study weren't actually given any multivitamins at all. They were simply asked if they take multivitamins!
Read the whole story here
What they're not telling you, though, might shock you. Here's the truth about this so-called "scientific" study on multivitamins:
• No multivitamins were even used in the study! The women followed in this study weren't actually given any multivitamins at all. They were simply asked if they take multivitamins!
Read the whole story here
Multivitamins for Woman - Flawed Study
(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims that multivitamins are useless at preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease in women. The mainstream media has predictably picked up on this story, gleefully running it as "proof" that nutrition is worthless and only pharmaceuticals can enhance your health.
What they're not telling you, though, might shock you. Here's the truth about this so-called "scientific" study on multivitamins:
• No multivitamins were even used in the study! The women followed in this study weren't actually given any multivitamins at all. They were simply asked if they take multivitamins! ...
Read the rest of the story here Women's Multivitamin Study Seriously Flawed, As Usual">Natural News.
What they're not telling you, though, might shock you. Here's the truth about this so-called "scientific" study on multivitamins:
• No multivitamins were even used in the study! The women followed in this study weren't actually given any multivitamins at all. They were simply asked if they take multivitamins! ...
Read the rest of the story here Women's Multivitamin Study Seriously Flawed, As Usual">Natural News.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Freaky Facts about Spray-On Tans: Are You in Danger?
Even the FDA believes spray tans are dangerous -- although you most likely have never heard that. If you go to a spray tanning salon, you are likely to be told that the treatment is completely safe and has the full backing of the U.S. government.
In fact, the spray tan solution, DHA, contains lead, mercury and arsenic. In the 1970's the U.S. government approved DHA for bronzers intended to be rubbed on your skin -- but it has not specifically approved its use in spray tan booths. When it is inhaled or sprayed onto the porous mucous membranes of your body, it can enter your bloodstream, leading federal regulators to call the procedure "unsafe".
DHA has been known to cause coughing, difficulty breathing, fainting, and dizziness. The greatest danger comes if you undergo the procedure without protecting your eyes, nose and mouth.
CBS3 May 17, 2006
Associated Content September 19, 2008
To read the comments from Dr. Marcola and other sources go to and read article from February 5, 2009
In fact, the spray tan solution, DHA, contains lead, mercury and arsenic. In the 1970's the U.S. government approved DHA for bronzers intended to be rubbed on your skin -- but it has not specifically approved its use in spray tan booths. When it is inhaled or sprayed onto the porous mucous membranes of your body, it can enter your bloodstream, leading federal regulators to call the procedure "unsafe".
DHA has been known to cause coughing, difficulty breathing, fainting, and dizziness. The greatest danger comes if you undergo the procedure without protecting your eyes, nose and mouth.
CBS3 May 17, 2006
Associated Content September 19, 2008
To read the comments from Dr. Marcola and other sources go to and read article from February 5, 2009
dangers of taning sprays,
spray on tan,
tanning solutions
Monday, January 26, 2009
Try Chiropractic as Alternative Health Care
- Consider chiropractic medicine. If you are currently experiencing back pain, chances are that the damage has already been done. Chiropractors are specially trained to manipulate the body in a way that frees nerves and muscles to function correctly, thereby reducing pain in the body immediately. It is important to work with a Doctor of Chiropractic, who has attended college and Chiropractic College.
- Try chiropractic for more than just your back. Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. In general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingements somewhere in the body. By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or even the illness itself will fade. Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today. The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.
More Info here
- Try chiropractic for more than just your back. Even if you are experiencing an illness or injury somewhere other than in your back, there is a chance that a Chiropractor will be able to alleviate some of your symptoms. In general, holistic chiropractors believe that most illnesses are a result of nerve impingements somewhere in the body. By carefully manipulating the spine, these nerves can be released and symptoms or even the illness itself will fade. Consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today. The visit will generally include an examination, discussion of your symptoms and possibly an adjustment to see if you experience immediate relief.
More Info here
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Confessions of a pharmacist: What Big Pharma Won't Tell You about Prescription Drug Safety (Book Review)
(NaturalNews) Pharmacists are walking encyclopedias of knowledge about the dangers of drugs, but most of them follow a pro-Pharma agenda, so they never reveal the deadly truth about how dangerous these drugs can really be to your health.
There's only one pharmacist I've ever met who dares to think outside the Big Pharma pill box and tell patients the truth about how they can avoid the dangerous side effects of drugs and even learn how to replace dangerous prescription drugs with safe, natural and far more affordable health supplements.
Her name? Suzy Cohen. She's the author of the new book Drug Muggers, published directly by Truth Publishing at:
In addition to being an author, Suzy Cohen is a licensed, practicing pharmacist, and she's a high-energy, super knowledgeable person who isn't afraid to buck the system and tell her customers things that drug companies wouldn't dare utter.
What kind of things? Like how prescription medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients that prevent disease and enhance your health. (Without a sufficient supply of these nutrients in your body, you eventually begin to show even more symptoms than you had when you started taking the drug in the first place!)
In her book, Suzy has documented the truth about things like how to greatly reduce your risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer with a low-cost over-the-counter dietary supplement, how to help eliminate migraine headaches with a simple vitamin and how to slash your risk of heart attacks for just pennies a day.
I've read Drug Muggers and found it to be the most valuable, uncensored prescription drug safety guide that's ever been made available to the public.
Of course, you might say I'm biased because Truth Publishing is selling this book, but that's actually my point: I'm very, very selective about the quality of the books we decide to represent at Truth Publishing. In order for us to publish a book, it must offer vital information to readers that can enhance their health and even help save their lives. And the information must be from a credible source, too.
When it comes to the uncensored truth about pharmaceuticals, it's hard to find a more credible source than Suzy Cohen, who has served tens of thousands of customers in her professional career. She knows medications inside and out, and yet she's a strong supporter of nutrition and natural health -- so she can tell you what to use instead of medications wherever possible.
But if you have to use meds, Suzy can teach you how to use them safely. It's all compiled in her book Drug Muggers, which you can get directly from the NaturalNews publishing arm (Truth Publishing) at a price that's $5 cheaper than Click the following link to order it now:
(NaturalNews) Pharmacists are walking encyclopedias of knowledge about the dangers of drugs, but most of them follow a pro-Pharma agenda, so they never reveal the deadly truth about how dangerous these drugs can really be to your health.
There's only one pharmacist I've ever met who dares to think outside the Big Pharma pill box and tell patients the truth about how they can avoid the dangerous side effects of drugs and even learn how to replace dangerous prescription drugs with safe, natural and far more affordable health supplements.
Her name? Suzy Cohen. She's the author of the new book Drug Muggers, published directly by Truth Publishing at:
In addition to being an author, Suzy Cohen is a licensed, practicing pharmacist, and she's a high-energy, super knowledgeable person who isn't afraid to buck the system and tell her customers things that drug companies wouldn't dare utter.
What kind of things? Like how prescription medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients that prevent disease and enhance your health. (Without a sufficient supply of these nutrients in your body, you eventually begin to show even more symptoms than you had when you started taking the drug in the first place!)
In her book, Suzy has documented the truth about things like how to greatly reduce your risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer with a low-cost over-the-counter dietary supplement, how to help eliminate migraine headaches with a simple vitamin and how to slash your risk of heart attacks for just pennies a day.
I've read Drug Muggers and found it to be the most valuable, uncensored prescription drug safety guide that's ever been made available to the public.
Of course, you might say I'm biased because Truth Publishing is selling this book, but that's actually my point: I'm very, very selective about the quality of the books we decide to represent at Truth Publishing. In order for us to publish a book, it must offer vital information to readers that can enhance their health and even help save their lives. And the information must be from a credible source, too.
When it comes to the uncensored truth about pharmaceuticals, it's hard to find a more credible source than Suzy Cohen, who has served tens of thousands of customers in her professional career. She knows medications inside and out, and yet she's a strong supporter of nutrition and natural health -- so she can tell you what to use instead of medications wherever possible.
But if you have to use meds, Suzy can teach you how to use them safely. It's all compiled in her book Drug Muggers, which you can get directly from the NaturalNews publishing arm (Truth Publishing) at a price that's $5 cheaper than Click the following link to order it now:
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Strokes can occur at any age in either gender!
Age and Gender for Stroke
Older adults are what most would think of when it comes to taking a stroke. Usually this is true and it is more likely to happen to someone that has high blood pressure. Anyone that is overweight and smokes or has diabetes can also be put in the higher category for having a stroke.
It does not matter what age or gender you are when it comes to being at risk for a stroke. Most things that you have to be old to take a stroke but that are not the case at all. It can happen to anyone at any time and it is so important to make sure that you are completely ready with the right knowledge so that you are protecting your body and others from the possibility of having a stroke.
Younger people are not immune to having a stroke. There are about 28% of stroke victims that are under the age of 65. Strokes in younger people usually affect men and women in the same ways. However drugs and alcohol is also a big part of younger people having a stroke. This is something that is becoming more and more popular and young people need to know that they have to take care of their bodies and not treat them like a garbage can so that they are not at risk for having a stroke too young.
In most age groups except for the older adults, a stroke is more common in women. It will kill more women than men no matter what ethnic group they are in. Women defiantly have a greater risk for hemorrhagic strokes occurring than in men. It is not really understood why this is so, however researchers are doing more and more studies on the facts to find out just what is going on.
If you are a parent, you need to show your child the facts now so that they are in a good understanding of what they have to look out for later on down the road. You have to help them lead their life in the right direction and get them to know that this is a serious problem and it can be stopped before it happens.
No matter what your age or gender you have to find out what you can do to lower your risk for stroke. Eating and exercising are the two biggest things that you can change to get the risk lowered. However, drinking and doing drugs is going to be something else that can cause men and women to have stroke. It is so important that younger people are getting the right facts so that they do not put their bodies at risk for danger later on in life and ending up dead from a stroke when it could have been prevented.
Older adults are what most would think of when it comes to taking a stroke. Usually this is true and it is more likely to happen to someone that has high blood pressure. Anyone that is overweight and smokes or has diabetes can also be put in the higher category for having a stroke.
It does not matter what age or gender you are when it comes to being at risk for a stroke. Most things that you have to be old to take a stroke but that are not the case at all. It can happen to anyone at any time and it is so important to make sure that you are completely ready with the right knowledge so that you are protecting your body and others from the possibility of having a stroke.
Younger people are not immune to having a stroke. There are about 28% of stroke victims that are under the age of 65. Strokes in younger people usually affect men and women in the same ways. However drugs and alcohol is also a big part of younger people having a stroke. This is something that is becoming more and more popular and young people need to know that they have to take care of their bodies and not treat them like a garbage can so that they are not at risk for having a stroke too young.
In most age groups except for the older adults, a stroke is more common in women. It will kill more women than men no matter what ethnic group they are in. Women defiantly have a greater risk for hemorrhagic strokes occurring than in men. It is not really understood why this is so, however researchers are doing more and more studies on the facts to find out just what is going on.
If you are a parent, you need to show your child the facts now so that they are in a good understanding of what they have to look out for later on down the road. You have to help them lead their life in the right direction and get them to know that this is a serious problem and it can be stopped before it happens.
No matter what your age or gender you have to find out what you can do to lower your risk for stroke. Eating and exercising are the two biggest things that you can change to get the risk lowered. However, drinking and doing drugs is going to be something else that can cause men and women to have stroke. It is so important that younger people are getting the right facts so that they do not put their bodies at risk for danger later on in life and ending up dead from a stroke when it could have been prevented.
life after a stroke,
stroke symptoms,
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