Friday, June 26, 2009

Cancer Drug Found to Promote Tumor Growth

(NaturalNews) A new anti-cancer drug actually promotes tumor growth at lower doses, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Cancer and published in Nature Medicine. This means that as the body removes large doses of the drug from its system, leaving behind successively smaller doses, the cancer-promoting characteristics of the drug kick in.

"We've got evidence now that low doses can enhance tumor growth," said lead researcher Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke. "So there is no benefit of giving a high dose, which then drops, and then a high dose again."

The study was conducted on the drug cilengitide, an anti-angiogenesis drug in the same class as the anti-cancer medicines Avastin and Sutent. It is intended to prevent the cells in blood vessels from moving or sticking together, a critical part of the process that allows tumors to develop their own blood vessels (angiogenesis) and thereby support unlimited growth.

The researchers found that when mice were given low doses of cilengitide, a molecule known as VEGFR2 was activated, which stimulated angiogenesis and led to accelerated tumor growth.

Cilengitide has been tested on patients with brain tumors, but has proven effective in only a few cases. Hodivala-Dilke suggested, based on the new findings, that the drug might be more effective if given by an infusion pump that keeps levels in the body continually high.

Avastin is approved for the treatment of colorectal cancer, while Sutent is used for kidney cancer. Both drugs currently extend life by an average of a few months, but have also been known to inexplicably fail. Researchers now suspect that like cilengitide, they might be promoting tumor growth as they break down.

"Sutent and Avastin have proven effective enough for use ... but there is still need to understand why they can sometime fail," said Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK. "It may be that there are similar mechanisms at work."

Get the whole story here.

Daniel Silver

Saturday, June 20, 2009

FDA Threatens to Seize All Natural Products that Dare to Mention H1N1 Swine Flu

Thursday, June 18, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) In an effort to censor any online text that might inform consumers of the ability of natural products to protect consumers from H1N1 influenza A, the FDA is now sending out a round of warning letters, threatening to "take enforcement action... such as seizure or injunction for violations of the FFDC Act without further notice."

"Firms that fail to take correction action," the FDA warns, "may also be referred to the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations for possible criminal prosecution for violations of the FFDC Act and other federal laws."

The message is crystal clear: No product may be described as protecting against or preventing H1N1 infections unless it is approved by the FDA. And which products has the FDA approved? Tamiflu (the anti-viral drug that most people will never have access to), and soon the new H1N1 vaccine that's being manufactured at a cost of one billion dollars (paid to Big Pharma by the taxpayers). This vaccine, of course, will be utterly useless because H1N1 will undoubtedly mutate between now and the time the vaccine is ready, rendering the vaccine useless.

In other words, according to the tyrants at the FDA, the only products that may be marketed alongside the term "H1N1" are those products that either don't work or aren't available to most people. Anything that really works to prevent influenza infections -- such as natural anti-virals, medicinal herbs, etc. -- is banned from even mentioning H1N1 without the threat of being criminally prosecuted.

Note: I reveal the five most powerful natural anti-viral remedies in a free report you can read here:

Such are the operations of our U.S. Food and Drug Administration -- a criminal organization that's working hard to do what every criminal organization does: Eliminate the competition! As the defender of Big Pharma, the FDA is also the destroyer of knowledge that seeks to remove educational statements from the internet. Truth has nothing to do with it -- it is verifiably true that anti-viral herbs, probiotics and other natural products help protect consumers from influenza -- but the FDA cannot allow such statements to remain online for the simple fact that people might become informed. And that, it seems, would be a dangerous precedent.

If people were informed about the healing and protective powers of herbs, they would no longer remain enslaved by the medical establishment. Profits would be lost. Power would evaporate. This is why people can never be allowed to attain any real knowledge about herbs, superfoods or nutritional supplements. And the FDA will threaten people with imprisonment just to make sure they don't dare publish knowledge that the FDA does not want the people to see.

Targeted by the FDA
Who is being attacked and threatened by the FDA? Lots of companies offering highly-effective natural remedies. You can see a list of some of the companies being targeted right here:

Byron Richards' company Wellness Resources, a favorite target of the FDA (no doubt because Richards wrote a book attacking the FDA), is also targeted in this censorship campaign. You can see the FDA's ridiculous complaint against his company here:

Read the full article here.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Health Ranger Reveals the Five Most Powerful Anti-Viral Remedies for Influenza and Swine Flu in Free Report

The Naturalnews editor has relaesed a free report to anyone requesting it, concerning natural supports to prevent and limit the effects of these flu viruses.
This is response to the FDA campaign to prevent the nutritional compinies from providing useful information and products to all people.

The article states that:

"Recently, the FDA sent out a wave of intimidating warning letters to nutritional supplement companies, threatening them with seizure of their products and criminal prosecutions if they dare mention H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) in conjunction with their anti-viral products. This censorship campaign is clearly an effort to wipe clean common knowledge about medicinal herbs from the minds of the People, forcing them to be dependent on vaccines, pharmaceuticals and conventional health "authorities" who already admit their vaccines won't work for future mutations of influenza.

To combat the FDA's "information cleansing" campaign, the Health Ranger has gone public with his five top recommended anti-viral remedies. Notably, the Health Ranger has no financial ties to any of the products he recommends in this report. His entire report ( is non-commercial speech protected by the Free Speech provisions of the United States Constitution."

This NaturalNews free report covers:

• Why the FDA, CDC and even the natural products industry doesn't want you to learn this information.

• Why conventional medicines and vaccines will utterly fail in a pandemic.

• The top five anti-viral remedies recommended by the Health Ranger.

• Exact links where you can acquire most of these recommended anti-viral products right now.

• Four additional natural remedies offering powerful anti-viral properties.

• Why the greatest killer in the next big pandemic will be ignorance! (And how to stay alive by staying informed.)

• How health authorities try to dumb down the people, turning them into victims instead of self-reliant citizens.

• The top five things that can kill you during a pandemic (Warning: You may be taking one or more of these things right now...)

• The real reason why plants offer such powerful anti-viral medicine.

Read the full report here.

Daniel Silver