Thursday, December 29, 2011

The power of your thoughts!

There is a strong connection of all your thoughts to your health, successes and financial well being.
This is a universal truth that if ignored will prevent you from reaching any kind of success.

The thoughts you put into your mind and continually reaffirm them will cause things in to nature to start the ball rolling to your successfully reaching any thing you want in this world.  One word of caution here though, nature does not know the difference from positive thoughts and or negative thoughts.  If you slip into the I can not do this mode it will happen just as easily as if you stay in the I CAN do this mode with any and all your endeavors.

I have recently read a book by By Wallace D Wattles written in 1930.  It is is just as empowering as it was then and anyone that wants to reach new goals or get out of old problems should read it.  It is available as a gift to you from The Science of Getting Rich Network

Get your copy now and see how much better your life and happiness will improve.  There is no cost or sign up required, however they do have a ezines that will just make your successes even better.

Daniel Silver

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