Sunday, February 6, 2011

Food Allergies Bothering You?

There are so many different allergies that a person can have to deal with.  One type of allergy is a food allergy.  There are millions of Americans that will go through the distress of some type of food allergy. 

The one most problematic food allergy is caused from eggs, fish, and shellfish.  Some other foods that can be a bother can be peanuts and other nuts from trees.

There are many children that are going to be allergic to the same foods as above and also milk and other forms of dairy products.

Many people have food allergies to corn items. There are many children that are going to be affected by these types of food products in their daily lives.  Most of the time the allergies that are caused by foods are going to be a huge bother to people and their daily lives.  Some allergies can also be life threatening as well.

One of the most common symptoms is an itch inside the mouth, in the eyes, and on the skin. Some will experience hives, nausea, vomiting and also diarrhea.  Some times the symptoms will be accompanied by stomach cramps and wheezing.  Other will have shortness of breath and a hard time swallowing.

More severe symptoms can be swelling of the body.  The swelling will tend to be more of a problem on the face. Mainly with the eyelids, lips and the ears.  Some times a person will first notice that their tongue is swelling up.

Having mood swings is a terrible problem with allergies.  Some people will go through depression that they have not experienced before in their life. 

The biggest symptom can cause death.  Each year there are around two hundred deaths that are going to be caused by an allergic reaction and other complications that can be caused by it. 

Really there are no cures for food allergies. The only thing that a person can do is to stay away from the foods that make them sick.  The shots that are going to work with other types of allergies are not going to work with foods ones.

People with food allergies will usually want to avoid the foods.  Epinephrine can help take care of the symptoms and is often carried by people that are going to have food allergies.  This is something they will use if there is a food allergy emergency that comes up. 

There are scientists working all the time to find a shot that will help alleviate a food allergy but for now that is not going to happen for many years to come.

What are Typical Food Allergies?

Milk is one of the most common food allergies that people are suffering from. Many are lactose intolerant and cannot take the ingredients that are found in regular milk.

Eggs are another item that many people are allergic too. Some are going to be allergic to the whites of the yolk.  This type of food allergy is going to be more noticeable in children but some adults can suffer from it too.

Peanuts are a serious allergy.  Most people including children and adults are going to have food allergies that will include peanuts.

Tree Nut is something that more children are going to be allergic to than adults.  The actual symptoms are going to be the same of peanut allergies but it will not necessarily mean that you are allergic to the other one. 

Seafood is something that is not limited to children but seem more often.  People eating or cooking fish near you can pass by the air and the fish allergens.

Shellfish is a very dangerous allergy.  Some people will have it if they are allergic to seafood while others will not.  But having one will not mean that you are going to have the other. 

Soy is something that many people need to be careful eating especially when they are eating Asian foods or using any type of Asian sauces. 

Wheat is the most common food allergy.  It can also be a problem for those that have a respiratory problem.  It can be an allergy that is caught through the respiratory system and can lead to something much more dangerous.

Within in the United States these are going to be referred as the “ the big 8”.  With over 90% of the United States food allergies they will be made up of these types of allergies.

Allergens are going to be different from other countries.  These big 8 are going to make the top ten in many other places around the world. 

Food allergies can be thought of as through contact.  In the East Asia parts where rice makes up a very big part of the culture’s diet, rich allergies are going to be very common.  They are going to be as common as those salary allergies in Central Europe.   

Are You Ready for a Challenge? 

Do you ever think about what the hardest places to live are for many people that suffer from allergies?  The truth is that the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America about the same thing.  They have been using research and publishing a yearly report on this subject with all the information that they discover.

With each of the spring and fall seasons, they will gather up the information from three different factors.  They will check on the pollen scores, the number of allergy medications that are being used and the number of allergy specialists for each patient. 

The report will list the top one hundred places that an allergy sufferer will find most challenging to live.  This is going to be the easy way of saying the one hundred worst places to live when you suffer from allergies. 

Texas is going to be the top one on the list.  They will have seven cities that are in the top 70.  The number one is going to be Austin with a score of one hundred. This is a one time score of one hundred and the number one place is not a good place to be.  San Antonio is not far behind Austin with a score of 98.75.  This will put it in second place.

Being in third place is taken by Oklahoma City in Ok.  They will have a score of 96.28. It is not going to be all-bad in Oklahoma.  Tulsa has a score of 83.00 is the only other city to be on the list.

Florida is going to have eleven cities in the top one hundred.  This is going to have Lakeland leading the way with a score of 93.75. Orlando is going to be right below them with a score of 93.20.

Ranked number eleven with a score of 82.75 is going to be Los Angeles.  Our nation caption has found place number seventy with a score of 51.45.  Lastly, Seattle, WA takes last with 25.45 a very low score indeed. 

Spring is coming

With spring around the corner there are going to be plenty of people dealing with allergies.  They are going to have a reaction to pollen and lots of people will have to deal with it. Some will not have a single problem with spring and can’t wait for the beautiful weather to start appearing.

There are thousands of people that with spring bring many runny noses, itchy eyes, and bad breathing.  These people are going to suffer from allergies.  The most common allergy is going to affect people almost anywhere and this is known as pollen.

Spring will bring beautiful new growth. With the new growth, plants are going to want to produce fruits and seeds. 

The pollen is made by the male plant parts and taken to the female parts.  Some plants are going to depend on the insects to pollinate them and some will use the wind too.

The grains of pollen are going to be carried by the wind to other plants to keep the species alive and growing.

There are a lot of people that are irritated by the amount of pollen on their porches, patios, cars, and anything else that may be outside the home.  For most people that are allergic to pollen their problems are going to be more than just annoying.

The most common symptoms of an allergy to pollen can be seen almost anywhere.  Runny noses, itchy and watery eyes, and coughing are signs that come yearly when spring is near.

The pollen is going to irritate the areas that have air in contact with them.  This is going to mean that people’s eyes, nose and throat are going to be affected.  The pollen is going to blow in the wind and it will cause problems that will make spring not look so pretty.  This can make spring time a regular nightmare for many and it can make so many people suffer from allergies everyday. 

Taking a Test and Failing

In order to find an allergy you must first talk to your doctor.  You will need to let him or her know about the symptoms that you are going through and any type of medications that you are currently taking.  You must also have a family and personal history available for them so that they can understand more about your life.  You will also want to make sure that you have a physical examination.

The next step is the tests. There are three types of tests that you will need to go through. You will want to go through the skin test, patch test or even a blood test. 

The skin test is something that many people will usually go through.  It is going to be used to be accurate and is also going to be one of the least expensive tests.  With the skin test you will find that a small amount of allergen is put on the skin and then the spot is pricked or scratched with a needle.  You will also have a bit o allergen injected into the outer part of the skin.

If you have an allergy to the product that was tested, you will notice swelling, redness and an itching in the spot immediately after around fifteen or twenty minutes. 

The patch test is to find a contact dermatitis.  There will be a small amount of allergy that is put into your skin and covered with a bandage.  Your doctor will then check the spot within forty-eight hours to see if you develop a rash. 

The third type of test is called a blood test.  This may be used if you are going through a skin condition or if you are taking some kind of medication that may interfere with a skin test.

A blood sample is going to be taken and it will be sent to a laboratory.  There will be allergens added to the sample and it will measure the amount o antibodies that are going to be made so that it can destroy it.

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