Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Zone Diet- How Does It Compare to Atkins.


Years back, whenever someone lost a lot of weight fast, the question they usually got from people was “Were you in the Zone or was it Atkins?” Both of these diets started generating press roughly around the same time and both were equally controversial. The Zone was Dr. Barry Sear’s revolutionary diet. With the Zone diet you need to follow a 1-2-3 method to lose weight. This means that for ever gram of good fat you eat, you have to eat twice as many grams of protein and three times that amount of grams in carbs. For example females are expected to consume ten grams of fat, twenty grams of protein and thirty grams of carbohydrates at each meal. The 1-2-3 method is designed to turn on your metabolism and keep you full.
While it is considered a low carb lifestyle like Atkins is, both plans are very different. The Zone diet allows you to have carbs but it must be good carbs and it is only 140 grams a day. With Atkins you will wind up eating at least 50 grams of carbs once you are in the final stages of the program. When you are on the Zone you do not have any phases that you need to complete as you do on Atkins.
The biggest pro about the Zone diet when compared to Atkins is that it is not as restrictive as Atkins is. While some nutritionists argue that Zone diet is poor in calories and will not be able to ever really feel satisfied, others say that the balanced meals included in the plan promotes moderation and that each meal will bring you into a state of mind where your body can perform to its peak level.
Atkins can be very restrictive the first two weeks and needs vitamins and mineral supplements. When people prolong the induction phase of Atkins it can be harmful to the kidneys and the colon. Though once you move on in Atkins most people report an increase of energy while losing weight on Atkins.
Both Atkins and the Zone are suppose to be a new way of life and not a quick fix to your weight problem, though a lot of people report that it is hard to follow either program for their entire life, the Zone is a little more manageable to follow for a longer time and the chances of keep the weight off is greater with Zone than it is with Atkins.

Another resource may be found here.

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